Is it normal to make yourself eat?

Hi, I am now 4 mths. post -op and sometimes I have to make myself eat something or I'll just not eat because I am not hungry, is this a normal process to go thru at this stage? And, I also feel really tired lately is this normal too?Any info would be very helpful, thankyou!    — Melodee S. (posted on May 16, 2003)

May 16, 2003
I went through that also, I had to set times to eat and make myself eat. It lasted until around my 7th month, and then I started wanting to eat again. I think this must be pretty normal for most people. I am 22 mos post op and have lost 144 pounds and feel great. I still get hungry, but now only eat normal size portions with out even realizing I am doing this. Good Luck.
   — Valerie M.

May 16, 2003
I was the same way, some days I forced myself to eat and other days I munched all day. I also go through periods of feeling very run down and sleepy, but I'm not sure what it is, maybe the busy lifestyle I have!?! I am almost 8mo post-op and I eat pretty good now.
   — Sandy M.

May 16, 2003
Consider this a real blessing, but make yourself eat your meals at the same time everyday. There was a couple of times that I did forget to eat. To this day, I can still say that I do not think about my next meal like I did before surgery, I use to drool just thinking about what I was going to eat for dinner.
   — bbjnay

May 16, 2003
Ahh, the "honeymoon period" Melodee, this is the time when you don't feel hungry, you force yourself to eat, and lost the most weight. This is usually the first 6 months after surgery. When you're going through it, you probably hate it b/c you don't want to eat but HAVE to, yet post-ops like me, who are 1 year out, long for those days! lol COntinue to force yourself, b/c the more you eat during this time, the more you will actually lose and you need the protein and other nutrition. It will go away though, so don't feel so bad about it. being tired is normal, it can take people months, some even longer to feel completely back to normal, eventually you will though. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 16, 2003
Well I recall the honeymoon period when you had to force yourself to eat because "hunger" did not exist. I say, enjoy it while you can, because it does not last forever! It is easiest at this stage to just eat small amounts of food-in other words, what you have to. You can also supplement with shakes instead of eating too. The important thing at this stage is to get in enough fluids and protein. As for being tired, have you had your blood levels checked? It could be nothing, could be because you are not eating and drinking enough (dehydration causes tiredness) or you could be low in iron or B-12, just to name a few possibilities.
   — Cindy R.

May 17, 2003
I am 71/2mos post-op and I have to force myself to eat every morning.Once I get that first meal in my tummy I'm fine for the rest of the day.
   — Heather I.

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