Nausea/purging/a.m. reflux/iron alternative?

Have just started pureed foods (3 wks post op lap RNY. Having problems with pain and nauseau leading to purging in the daytime - concerned about developing bulemia or esophagitis/erosion. Experiencing gerd/reflux 2:00 A.M, getting tired of sleeping 1/2 the night in recliner.....going back to liquids. Any suggestions appreciated. Also big problems with metal taste and nausea with 325mg iron pills., already take with meals.    — Bobbi C. (posted on May 12, 2003)

May 12, 2003
Wow. You packed a lot into one question. Nausea/metallic taste. Please ask to be checked for a marginal ulcer. That'd be with an EGD, not a barium swallow. No, it doesn't go away on its own. Yes, it's fairly easy to treat if you catch it early. Yes, it can get worse & become a major complication, requiring another surgery. 325mg iron is ferrous sulfate. That's about the most abrasive thing a person can put in there, and may've caused the damage. Switch to something gentle, like carbonyl iron. Iron is still taken with C, but not dairy or caffeine, nor other meds or vites. Something like toast or cracker is ok, though. Are you transected? Any chance of SLD?
   — vitalady

May 12, 2003
My doctor told me the metallic taste is normal and signals 2 things, that I am working on clearing my body of the anesthesia, and that I am starting to burn fat (ketosis). One thing I noticed when I was first starting to eat the pureed foods... I sometimes went way too fast... that caused discomfort and the only way to releive that was to purge...I did it twice, and then really forced myself to go slow.... take 15, 20, 30 min to eat your meals.. hopefully you will begin to feel better.... as far as the acid refux... maybe a small bite or two before bed will help... I know several people who do 4 small meals instead of 3, because it helps them sleep better... when in doubt call your doctor... Good Luck lap rny 4/9/03 311/276/-35 :)
   — Peg L

May 12, 2003
Hi, Bobbi, I had the same problem with vomiting everyday for about the second and third mth. post-op and my surgeon did some x-rays on me plus an endoscopy to see if anything was wrong with my esaphogus if there was a stricture, which menas the lining of it was narrow, then they have to go and dilate it to make it alittle wider to be able to get food down , and I just had some acid build up so , my surgeon put me on some stronger medicine to help with that called nexium and ever since I have been doing alot better, so you might want to talk to your surgeon and have him/her run some tests. Good luck hope you feel better soon.
   — Melodee S.

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