What does Trustmark PPO require for approval

Have switched to Trustmark PPO and was wondering if anyone knows if they ask for diet history,psych evaluation etc    — Lisa F. (posted on May 11, 2003)

May 11, 2003
I have Trustmark PPO, they didn't ask for a diet history. Although my surgeon provided a very brief one in his letter of medical neccesity. I did have a Psych eval, that is part of Renew, the WLS program I am going through. They sent my letter off to my insurance company and I was approved in 3 weeks. I submitted copies of test I had done over the past year, such as EKG, Gallbladder Ultrasound, Pulmonary Function Test, Bllod work and even female test. I am not sure if the would have needed all of that, but I sent it to them. Good Luck with your approval!!
   — lesleeloo

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