
After months of preparation, my doctor is finally ready to submit to my insurance CIGNA for approval. I found out today that my company is switching to Aetna July 1st and my surgery is supposed to be in July! Anyone have this happen? What should I do?    — duane B. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
Duane, The same thing is happening to me in reverse. My company is switching from Aetna to Cigna on July 1st. I've already gone through the approval process with Aetna and thank God my surgery is June 3rd. First you need to check and see if your doctor accepts Aetna. Call your HR or Benefits representative. Second I would try and get a surgery date before July 1st. If you get a quick turn around from Cigna this might be possible. Usually, we company's change insurance they take into consideration that employees may be in the midst of a medical situation. They usually offer some type of Transitional grace period when this is the case. I was afraid that if I waited until after July 1st to have my surgery that I would have to start the approval process all over again. Hope this helps. Good Luck!!!
   — Joyce N.

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