Can anyone give me ANY advice in handling Oxford freedom plan?

As of right now I have no co-morbidities and I am completely freaking out that I won't be able to be approved for surgery!    — Carrie-Ann B. (posted on May 6, 2003)

May 6, 2003
Carrie-Ann, my sister-in-law just got approved on Oxford Freedom with NO comorbidities and to make you feel even better she got approved in two weeks and is having her surgery on May 12th. I have Oxford myself and I had concerns in the beginning but I searched the library and it seems that Oxford happens to be one of the easiest to get approval from. Good Luck in all your forthcomings and GOD BLESS!!
   — Keishia R.

May 6, 2003
Hey! I just got approval today from Oxford.. I kept calling every day until i got the answer I wanted... It was real easy. I wouldn't worry! Good Luck
   — Jaime K.

May 6, 2003
Hi, I have Oxford Freedom Plan as does my sister, LC. We both had surgery without any major co morbidities. Oxford is fairly liberal in regard to approvals. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

May 8, 2003
I have Oxford Freedom and was "light" at 265 and 5'8". No real comorbs and they approved me! Good luck!
   — Louise C.

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