
As a complication of my diabetes, I have bad burning pain in my feet (peripheral neuropathy). Has anyone else had this and seen any improvement after surgery?    — duane B. (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 30, 2003
I am also pre-op and have neuropathy in my feet, and I was wondering the same thing, I could not really find a answer when I went to the library of past questions. So I will be checking back to see if you get some answers. I think that it may tend to go away atleast some, because your diabetes in most cases goes away or goes into recession. My doctor could not answer that question either, so I am sorry I could not help you. My blood sugars are under control now and it seems like the neuropathy has gotten better, not gone, but better, so I can only hope that it will be better when I do not have a blood sugar problem.
   — cindy

April 30, 2003
I have Type 1 diabetes and have had neuropathy for many years. Mine is somewhat improved, but I think it's mostly because my feet aren't so swollen all the time. Not having all that pressure on my feet from shoes that are too tight has helped a bit. Unfortunately, nerves don't re-generate, so once they're damaged, that damage can't be repaired.
   — garw

April 30, 2003
nerve damage is permanent damage, it wont get better, but it wont get worse either and might feel better due to the less weight on them and the lack of swelling and they better circulation, and the way you feel overall better!!!
   — janetc00

April 30, 2003
I'm 7 mos out and have lost 66 lbs and mine has improved greatly. I've not realized it until reading your question and thinking about it. But, no more burning nor tingling in my feet. My last A1C was 5.7 Since surgery, I've not had to take any diabetic medications. Thanks for the question... you've made my day !!
   — Gail B.

May 1, 2003
I'm 11 weeks postop, down 60 lbs, and the tingling/numbness/burning in my feet has decreased a great deal. The major change has been the lack of burning. I still have some numbness but not nearly as bad as pre-op. Diane
   — Diane M.

May 1, 2003
I am 1 1/2 yrs post op and my neuropathy went away COMPLETELY at about 5 mos post op...I can stay on my feet for 18 hrs straight and have no complications with my feet that I had before....How wonderful, I can shop all day in heels and never sit down :)
   — Joi G.

May 1, 2003
I am a diabetes researcher, who has done some work in neuropathy. Nerve damage is permanent but when you have diabetes you can have symptoms before permanent nerve damage is done. So, there can be improvement after the surgery if some or all of your symptoms are still in the reversible stage. If you have type 1 diabetes or have had neuropathy for a long time it may not improve greatly.
   — Heather S.

May 1, 2003
I am a diabetes researcher, who has done some work in neuropathy. Nerve damage is permanent but when you have diabetes you can have symptoms before permanent nerve damage is done. So, there can be improvement after the surgery if some or all of your symptoms are still in the reversible stage. If you have type 1 diabetes or have had neuropathy for a long time it may not improve greatly.
   — Heather S.

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