Legs pains while exercising (PRE OP)

I have been trying to get my heart and lungs in better shape prior to surgery. I have been walking between 1.5-2.0 miles per day on various terrain (track, grass, road way). Now when I walk the outside of my left calf (just about ankle) burns and aches until I stop walking. Anyone know what this is? Is it the typical fat and out of shape answer, or something more? I don't want to quit walking, can anyone help?    — candylnd24 (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 30, 2003
It sounds like shin splints. When you feel the burn, STOP, or you will make it worse. Ice it right away and ensure that you stretch that part of your leg well (stand with both feet together, then cross legs and try to touch your toes-do both sides)before you go walking. If you push it while it hurts you will only make it worse. Take heart, though, once you lose weight post-op, exercise will be so much easier. I admire you for trying to start exercising pre-op, as I know how difficult that can be to motivate.
   — Cindy R.

April 30, 2003
i am pre op and i am having the same issue except i ahve a bruise where it hurts when i walk i have been walking for 1 1/2 3.00 mile aday and i walk on the mulch like stuff by the hospital and they change our direction and for some reason my left leg hurts more than the other every time we go a different way so i am not sure what it is but once i get walking good it doesn't bother me as much ..Hey getting ready for the surgery is the only way to go that is what i have been doing and have lost 15 lbs in result of it ..thank god i will be having surgery on may7,2003 rny
   — A M.

April 30, 2003
Pain we can all understand and just hope that we know when it is an abnormal pain & to see the dr. But burning??? I'd definitely have that looked into. Mine was caused by a previous injury that was being constantly aggravated by my weight. A few physical therapy sessions and 2 wks postop now it doesn't bother me at all. Good luck.
   — Diane S.

April 30, 2003
Do you have a local pool that you can walk in? Takes a lot of the weight off the legs. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 1, 2003
Have you had your thyroid checked? After I had a partial thyroidectomy, I started to become hypothyroid. At the time, right after surgery, I felt good and had started and maintained a good walking program. As my thyroid hormones changed, I started to feel more and more fatigued, and also developed pain like you are describing in my legs. I tried different shoes (3 different pairs!) and 2 different shoe inserts and nothing helped. When my hypothyroidism was finally treated, the pains went away!
   — koogy

May 1, 2003
By the way - kudos for getting out and trying to get yourself in the best shape possible before surgery. Every little bit helps - you will do great after surgery!
   — koogy

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