HELP!!!Need to provide list of diets to insurance...

My surgery is scheduled for May 7th. I didn't think I would have any problems with insurance(fed bcbs), but dr office just caled today to tell me that I need to have a thyroid test done immediatley and a list of all diet attempts w/ losses and regains, dates, length, etc. I have been on diets since the 4th grade when I started the Diet Center but only one other was dr and it was "diet Doctor" in PA. I don't remember dates and all that stuff. It seems like I've tried everything but I don't remember exactly.....Surgery date approahing very quickly...Can anyone help me????    — Tonya H. (posted on April 22, 2003)

April 23, 2003
Tonya, List any diet that you have been on and any diet book that you have read. I took a piece of paper and went through my life starting at the age of 18 and tried to put diets in some kind of order that I might have done them in. I listed the diet or book and how many pounds I lost and how many I thought I gained back. Also list any medications that you might have been on that have a side effect of weight prednisone or cortisone shots...Good Luck
   — Jane S.

April 24, 2003
I've already compiled a rough list, but I'm also concerned about this. I'm not how detailed they're going to want it to be or how much detail I can actually give. Also, do most insurance companies want verification such as copies of cancelled checks for WW and such. And how can you give them information on some of the diet centers that were giving out Phen/Fen and have since closed their doors??
   — antiques55

April 25, 2003
I work for my surgeon. I do all of the approvals...I have never heard of BCBS FEP wanting any diet history. They must want that for their own information. I have a ton of BS FEP patients....I believe they technically do not get "pre-approved". As long as you have a BMI of 40, thats all that is required. Good Luck
   — Mandybub

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