Does having stones get you a surgery date any quicker???

I have small galls stones and have some minor pains sometimes caused by my stones. Will this help me to get a quicker surgery date? I have done all the pre-op stuff, and my PCP is working with my Surgeon on my consultation and surgery date now.    — Brady M. (posted on April 9, 2003)

April 9, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">Hi Brady <br> I am still pre-op (only 13 days and a wake up to go!) but I would think that your surgery date depends on the surgeons schedule (and the hospitals.) <br>I know my Dr doesnt really like to do more then 2 RNY's in a day and likes them to be the first surgery he does of the day, so for me, that pushed my date out about 4 weeks from the date of scheduling. <p> If you are worried about this, call the surgeons office and ask them when they are currently scheduling for, and how soon they think your date could be and if gall stones have any weight in scheduling the date. Good Luck!! </font>
   — preop_wendyd

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