Can someone explain the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist?

I know I need to see a "behavioral specialist" for a letter of recommendation, but I am not sure which one. The Dr. My surgeon's office uses does not participate in my insurance. I need to find one that participates in multiplan in NY.    — Joy M. (posted on April 3, 2003)

April 3, 2003
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of the mind. He/she can prescribe medication. A Psychologist has a Ph.D. in Psychology. A clinical Psychologist diagnoses and treats disorders/conditions of the mind. He/she cannot prescribe medication. The method of treatment is through various types of "talk" therapy.
   — Cheryl D.

April 3, 2003
A: A 'psychologist' is typically someone who has obtained a doctorate in psychology (Ph.D, Psy.D, or sometimes an Ed.D) from a college or university. A psychologist might work in any one or a combination of different kinds of careers: clinical therapy, academic or laboratory research, college teaching, school counseling, etc. A 'psychiatrist', on the other hand, is someone who has obtained a medical degree (M.D.) from a medical school and has followed that with a residency in psychiatric medicine. A psychiatrist is traditionally more likely to be psychoanalytically oriented (a "Freudian") than is a psychologist. Psychologists who are therapists typically adopt any one or a combination of a number of theoretical standpoints (psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, etc.). A psychiatrist may prescribe psychotropic drugs and medications, whereas a psychologist cannot.
   — John Rushton

April 3, 2003
A Psychiatrist is a doctor that can prescribe medication and a Psychologist isn't a doctor (usually), and can't prescribe medication. I think a Psychologist would fall under the category of a "behavior specialist". Good luck!
   — JoAnn A.

April 3, 2003
Joy, everyone has given you some good insight, but the "real distinction" is this: "one is just slightly less of an idiot than the other". I leave it to you to figure out which is which. (just in fun) Kevin
   — meilankev

April 3, 2003
I didn't much care who did my evaluation, I just needed that piece of paper. However, for long term care it is very important to chose one who is recommened. I have used pschiatrists over the years. But I understand that psychologists also know if you need meds and has the PCP do the actual prescription. It doesn't matter who you go to, only the level of their skills.
   — faybay

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