My insurance company doesn't require this, but should I......

My insurance company doesn't require this, but should I go ahead and write a letter about how my weight is affecting me and my life to go along with the doctors submission? Do you think it would make a difference? Has anyone else written letters to their insurance companies? Thanks,    — Jennifer H. (posted on April 3, 2003)

April 2, 2003
I did not write one but my best friend did, and we both got approved! So I don't think it matters but I don't think that it would hurt!
   — Haziefrog

April 2, 2003
Honestly? This is just my opinion, but they really don't care what your feelings are. They're only interested in the bottom line. If your letter concentrates more on how this surgery will save them money in the long run, then they'll listen.
   — Leslie F.

April 2, 2003
No,don't write any letter. If you meet criteria, that is all that matters. Your letter would probably get tossed. We call those "Cry Me a River" letters and they don't help at all. I work for an insurance company.
   — koogy

April 2, 2003
Cry me a river letter or not I wrote one and so did my mother. I do not know if it helped, hell maybe they laughed I don't know. but let me tell you it sure reinforced my need for this surgery. With all the shit we go through having to write it down is very hard, but if you think it will help not only your case but maybe yourself, then go for it. BTW I was approved within days of sending stuff to insurance, I had Prudential HMO at the time. I think as more and more people jump on this parade of skinniness the more insurance companies are going to ignore pleas of plight and just watch the numbers. Take care and good luck on your journey.
   — smedley200

April 3, 2003
I think it will depend on the insurance company. Some folks I know that have had this surgery, have written them and some haven't. Three of these ladies were told by their insurance company that their personal letter was what made the difference. They said that they just wanted confirmation from the patient that they understood the risks and long-term commitments of this surgery before they would approve it. My own insurance doesn't require this but I definitely did it and gave it to my surgeon. It was a quick on page on why I want to live, and that I understand the risks and long-term management issues. I also added in a picture of myself, and a list of health related issues that the weight has caused. These were above and beyond my co-morbids of Diabetes, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, High BP, etc. I don't know what will happen with my case at the moment. My packet is being sent this week to the insurance company by the surgeon's office - so waiting to see. If you wish to see what I sent just email me at [email protected] and I'll send them to you directly. Wishing you luck.
   — Tina S.

April 3, 2003
My surgeon's office required that we write one, the space was included in our packets that get sent to insurance. And just like the previous poster said, may be a cry me a river letter, but I don't think it can hurt. If anything, they will toss it and not look at it. It won't get you denied or anything. I have my letter on hand as well, so e-mail me if you'd like to see it. ([email protected]) Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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