what and how is the gall bladder ultrasound performed and the t/s bloodwork

what is the type and screen test, and how is performed? and how is the gallbladder sonogram or ultrasound done?    — e T. (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
I'm not sure what you mean by t/s bloodwork (I'm sure its simple but my mind cannot figure out the t/s) but my ultra sound for my gall bladder was done with a ultra sound wand and they really push that sucker up under the right rib and boy its uncofortable. Was well worth it tho cause my g/b was diagnosed diseased (this was long before I was planning on this surgery). But they left that sucker there. My WLS surgeon said with out even checking that its coming out which is fine with me! A bad galbladder is NO fun so if they can take it at the time of surgery be glad. So many on this site had problems later from it. AND my dr says that the high protien diet can really cause gall bladder problems later and he usually does take it the same time and the weight loss surgery.....ACK sorry for hogging the board. Jamie
   — Jamie M.

March 31, 2003
Type and screen or (type and cross) is to check to see what your blood type is and if you are negative or positive. This determines what blood you would need in the event of a transfusion. I am not sure why they would order this for you since RNY is considered a bloodless surgery??? Maybe they are just being cautious anyway it is just a regular blood test no biggie. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 down 115lbs
   — lovemonterey

March 31, 2003
E~ Relax. All standard routine. They send you to the lab for a routine blood draw, MAYBE taking up to 5 tubes of blood. It's ok though because the largest of these tubes only holds 3 tablespoons of fluid (I know it sure looks like they hold more, but they don't). The lab where you go will do your test so there should be no work for you to do there. The blood work will let them know all types of things such as your blood type whether or not you are Rh negative or positive, anemic, have an infection, etc, etc. And as Wendi stated-it's just a precaution. And then for your ultrasound, well, I don't know if you have ever been pregnant but it's pretty much the same, however, Jamie is right they aren't very sensitive. Depending on how obese you are, they may push very lightly on your abdomen or very hard. It is uncomfortable but durable. Good luck and know that your doctor is doing all these test for he and you. ~C
   — Christina S.

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