I am 8 weeks post-op and I have been throwing up alot, is this normal?

   — Melodee S. (posted on March 30, 2003)

March 30, 2003
Hi! I guess I would say it depends on what your eating. I'm almost 6 weeks post-op, and I, too, was vomiting a lot. I went to see my Surgeon last week (after vomiting for 5 hours over 1/2 of a scrambled egg) and he did an Endoscopy. Turns out I had 3 loose staples hanging off my stoma. That created inflammation over my pouch and I had to be dilated!! Not to mention, I have ulcerated areas from Reflux. I had to stay overnight in the Hospital and receive fluids, as well. I would definately call your DR. if this is nothing you can contribute to eating too fast, too much or eating something your not supposed to. I was sick for 3 weeks before I called, and I'm glad I did. I've only been home from the Hospital for 2 days and I already feel so much better! Good Luck!
   — Deena C.

March 30, 2003
I have thrown up 4 times since i have been able to eat at 6 weeks. It is usually when i go awhile with out eating and i eat too fast. Also, when i eat bread i feel like i need to. I would look at what could be the cause of it, but i dont think throwing up every day is normal if your doing it every day. If you are throwing up constantly then i would get checked out if i were you cause my sons grandmother who had rny done was throwing up and she had a blockage. Be careful not to over eat too, that could cause it. But definately get checked out if it is really often. good luck
   — rachel W.

March 30, 2003
No it is not. You will find many people who vomit occasionally from eating too fast or the wrong thing (any time I have it has totally been my fault!) but if you are vomiting all the time you need to call your doctor!
   — Carol S.

March 31, 2003
Hi there, I too experienced vomiting but it was always mucous. I always kept down the food. I experienced this problem for at least 3 months post-op. I finally realized that my new pouch was producing mucous in an effort to heal. When it got overloaded I would vomit. Try this, drink a hot cup of plain tea before you eat and it will clear out the pouch. I got this tip from another post-op patient and it worked for me. Good Luck!
   — Diane S.

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