How high is high cholesterol?

I was originally scheduled for surgery on 3-14-03 and my doctor postponed it until sometime in July. He said my cholesterol was 572 and my triglycerides were, an unheard of 4230. Since I've been home my cholesterol has dropped to 327 and my triglycerides 826. I can't remember what normal should be on either one. Somebody please help me with this. Thanks Claire    — gramof3 (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 27, 2003
OMG . .. Claire, They are both off the wall! Normal is about 200 each! My husbands are both high too. What really works to get them down (along with diet) is Omega Fish Oil pills. Start out with two and take as many as you can a day 8 or 10 is great! It will really help. Cjhange your diet big time . . . Good Luck! Michele :)
   — Michele D.

March 27, 2003
I just happen to have my resent blood work and it says the normal for cholesterol is (150-200) and Triglecerides (0-200). Yours are very high, and I have a question for you. I am on Zocor to help me lower my cholesterol, and on insulin to lower my blood sugars (triglecerides) are you on any of these? If not you may want to ask your doctor about some kind of medicines to help you to lower your numbers.
   — cindy

March 27, 2003
Cholesterol should be under 200, LDL under 130, HDL over 45. With numbers like yours you definitely need medication besides diet. The best way to get triglycerides down is by walking and multi-vitamins (although I would bet anything that there was an error in your results being over 4,000). You should be seen by a cardiologist as quickly as you can to get this under control. You also should have a complete hepatic panel done to evaluate your liver enzymes.
   — Sue A.

March 27, 2003
200 is even high for the record. Mine was 194 before surgery and is now 154.
   — heathercross

March 28, 2003
Whoa, that is way off the scale. 200 is high...I think most docs put you on medication once you hit about 175 or so. Also, pay attention to HDLs vs. LDLs. You want a lot of HDLs, as these clear cholesterol from your system. Women generally have a lot of these...should be above 45 or so. LDLs...try to keep them as low as possible. Exercise will help boost HDLs and lower LDLs. My cholesterol levels are quite low...120 total, 85 for LDLs and 35 for HDLs.
   — Brittany C.

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