Basebell size protrusion to the left and down a bit from my scar, is it a hernia?

I am almost 8 months out and down 77 pounds. It sticks out more when I cough or tighten the muscles in that area, could this be a hernia?    — leeann N. (posted on March 26, 2003)

March 26, 2003
It sure sounds like a hernia to me. I have a hernia on the right side of my belly button from when I had a c-section 2 years ago, and it is exactly like you have described. Definitely talk to your surgeon about it. If it is a hernia you will want to have it repaired at some point. I personally do not want to have more surgery than is absolutely necessary, so I am hoping to have mine done at the same time as a tummy tuck. I am hoping to have this done next summer. Good luck!
   — Jenny S.

March 26, 2003
Yes its a hernia. I had my surgery 8-19-02 and I have one. Mine started out like a baseball, now its like a basketball. I have hernia repair surgery in May and with that surgery a TT. My insurance will cover that surgery as well because of the hernia. I wear an abdominal binder everyday to help support it. My surgeon said wait for a year to get it fixed, but I feel deformed and its uncomfortable wearing this binder everyday. I went to a plastic surgeon and because I'm within 10 pds of my goal weight she will do the surgery. I have lost 162pds so far. It would be more pleasant not having this bulge sticking out! I hope I was some help, if you want to e-mail me for support please feel free. Good luck and best wishes! congrats on the super weight loss!!! Beth
   — Elizabeth C.

March 26, 2003
PLEASE see your doctor. He/She is the only one qualified to answer this.
   — Rebecca H.

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