How do you mentally prepare for surgery?

Hello my wonderful AMOS family. I'm 9 days away from surgery, April 3. As I'm preparing a lot of people tell me that I should menatlly prepare for the pain and to accept God's will. The problem is that I don't know how to do that. For any post-ops out there, How did you mentally prepare yourself for surgery and beyond? Any input is greatly appreciated.    — SomerGarza (posted on March 24, 2003)

March 24, 2003
Hi Somer...all that I did was try to keep positive thoughts in my head as my surgery date approached last July. There was some nervousness but I did the relaxation exercises & deep breathing that I remember from my Quit Smoking classes... I also did a lot of praying beforehand for God to get me through the surgery successfully and to have a quick and uneventful recovery - as well as guiding my surgeon's hands that morning. He must have heard my prayers and decided the answer was "yes" as things have gone very smoothly during the post-operative phase of this surgery...JR
   — John Rushton

March 24, 2003
I say It's according on how much you want it. Soon as I heard about wls. I knew I wanted it. I had come to the end of my rope with being FAT. I was at the point were I stopped driving and doing anything outside the house. My kids was old enough to do alot of things for themself. I rode that horse as much as I could. I was missing out on a lot of things. Anyhow I put my trust in my lord. I prayed and I siked myself up. Think positive at all times. And stay focused. I fell into this with both feet. and there was no turning back. This is my 3rd month and I have loss 62 lbs. I really am glad I did this. I'm on a mission now, theres no stopping. Take care
   — Naes Wls J.

March 24, 2003
Hi Somer~ I am 8 weeks post-op. I was very emotionally rady for this. I just had positive thoughts, then the night before I was holding my daughter as she slept (she is 2), and started to think "is this the last time I will be holding her?" It scared me. Then I had to think to myself "stop thinking that way, shut the door on all the bad thoughts" That is all you can do. Keep positive. Remember as far as the pain goes, yes, it will hurt, but that to shall pass. It is not forever, and they give you pain meds. Everyday gets better!!! Put ice packs on yur stomach for the first couple of days, it helps with the swelling and pain. The pain is not to bad, that you can't handle it. KEEP POSITIVE! Best wishes for you~ Sandy
   — Sandy H.

March 24, 2003
Hi Somer, If you know anyone at your church, ask to be put on their prayer chain. I put in a prayer request the week before my surgery was supposed to be (today, March 24th) and felt a great calming sensation come over me. And like the others said, Think Positive!! waiting to hear when rescheduled, Dr. hopes it is the second week of April. Good luck with your surgery. Sue-Ellen
   — Sue-Ellen J.

March 24, 2003
Somer, Prepare with positive thoughts! Once I decided to have the surgery I begain to think and picture all the positive things that would happen in my life as a result of the surgery and the life changes that I will have. I prayed and made peace with God, loved my children and my family and I was ready. I wrote letters to the special people in my life and gave them the day of my surgery. I had prayer with my pastor 30 min before surgy and was on my way. Remember that God doesn't give us the spirit of fear but of Power, Love and a strong mind. Peace be with you! Gwen
   — gwensbypass

March 25, 2003
I noticed a thing after my surgery that I had to really prepare/accept myself that I was losing my "best friend", which was "food." I often had to tell myself that food wasn't my "best friend" because look what it has done to me.
   — Pam M.

March 25, 2003
Dear Somer- what an awsome surgery date- it is the same as mine- so anyways we will be going through this on the same day-just in different places. I know I have decided for myself that I WILL keep a positive attitude. I will not write letters to loved ones because I am NOT going to die from this surgery. I have went to Confession (catholic) and have been forgiven for my sins. I Pray for myself, but mostly for my family that they will be able to function without me there to help them while I am in the hopsital.I am expecting post-op pain but have faith in the pain meds they will give me, I know and understand the possiblilty of complications, but I will do everything in my power to prevent these. I have worked hard for this and am nothing but EXCITED for the surgery and my future. I wish you much luck. Hold you head up high and pray for comfort and peace with your decision of surgery. April 3rd- Yippee- here we come!!!!
   — Jan S.

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