Is this weight loss good?

I had my surgery on 1-03-03. I have lost 58 pounds. I was wondering if I was losing fast enough?    — jenn5173 (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 19, 2003
Uh- Yeah you are! You are losing over 5 1/4 pounds per week on average. That is great. I had surgery on 1/15/03 and have lost 48 pounds. I see a nutritionist weekly and she says that I am right on target to lose all of my weight by mid August! I started out with 130 pounds to lose and lost 11 in the 2 weeks before surgery so that is a total loss of 59 pounds! You are doing great. If you are worried about the loss slowing down then add some exercise to your plan. It has really helped to keep me on track and keeps the food cravings way down too! Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

March 19, 2003
You both are doing great! I had my surgery in October and I've lost 58lbs. and I couldn't be happier. I had complications due to a striture that slowed down my metabolism, but hey, you take the good with the bad and move on. Remember, it's not how fast it comes off, but that with every pound that comes off it is improving your quality of life and health.
   — aprilbaree

March 20, 2003
Jennifer- that is incredible weight loss!! That is really a substantial loss. Great job :)
   — Lezlie Y.

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