6 days post op, Trouble with Gas, and No BM since Surgery

My daugher is six days post op, she has not had a bowel movement since surgery, she is bloated. We have tried several laxatives with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gary    — gary M. (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 18, 2003
Walk Walk Walk!! Walking is the only thing that will help that bloat and gas!! Walk!!! I know its uncomfortable too as had terrible bloating after surgery but its common due to the gas. Walk! I was not constipated but certainly the juices and WALKING will also alleviate that condition. Good Luck! Jenny (7 days post op/lap RNY)
   — Jenny B.

March 18, 2003
I took Milk of Magnesia. It was horrid, but it worked. Also, lots of water and walking. Good luck.
   — Kendra S.

March 18, 2003
i think i held the record once right after sugery and then 14 days said it was ok cause we are not eating very much at the moment. i still go days without a bm.
   — Alexandria D.

March 18, 2003
Sorry about your daughter's problem. I had a bit of a problem too in that area. The best thing I did was walk as much as I could and I only drank apple juice. Good luck! Things will get better.
   — Colleen S.

March 18, 2003
I remember that being a miserable feeling. Definately take milk of magnesia and walk like crazy. I was in tears several times because of how rotten I felt for the same problem. I even wrote about it in my profile. Hang in there. It gets a lot better!!! 11 months post op---now 132lbs @ 5'3"
   — A. S.

March 18, 2003
Another suggestion is, if she is taking prescription pain meds, stop using them and switch to tylenol. I know it doesn't help much, but the pain meds impacted me, and after 1 day home, I ended up back in the hospital for 3 days where they found out what the problem was. By then they used a colace suppository (2 times) and a Fleet enema to "clean me out". Sorry to be graphic, but I want to give you some ideas. Call your surgeon for assistance, too. They may have a preferred method of dealing with the proble. Best of luck!!!
   — Fixnmyself

March 18, 2003
hi there :) tell your daughter to hang in there, i went through the very samr thing, the doc can recomend something she can take.i went 6 days without and thought i must have an abstruction or something. it did get better for me as i was able to get more water in, still, im 13 months post op and have a bm every 4 days. best of luck to you ! :)
   — carrie M.

March 19, 2003
Hi. You could also try a heating pad-this is recommended by my surgeon. I agree with WALKING! Also, remember your daughter was cleaned out with some kind of bowel prep before surgery and has had minimal amounts in since. Nothing in, nothing out. Should be passing the gas though.
   — Debi B.

March 19, 2003
It was the same for me. I tried prune juice and baby food prunes to help. The walking is also key.
   — Sandy T.

March 23, 2003
WARM that prune juice!!
   — Wannabe A.

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