One year post-op and getting sick all the time with colds and viruses. Anybody else?

Is it me or is my immune system really weakened by the surgery? I am almost 1 year post-op and I am sick all the time. The doctors just say its a virus but I am sick every couple of weeks. Does anybody have this problem? Does the surgery make your immune system weaker? Will I ever get well? Help!!! THanks    — Kerry H. (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
Healty as a horse:) A post op friend kept thinking she was getting viruses. Turned out to be her gallbladder.
   — lessofme170

March 6, 2003
Kerry- sorry you've been getting sick. Maybe it is just a coincidence and this is an especially bad year? Are you making sure to get in all of your vitamins and protein? I'm sure you are, but just a thought, b/c that can help you feel healthier. Sorry I wasn't more of a help. Feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 6, 2003
I don't have any good solutions to your problem, but I wanted to let you know that your not alone. I am 1 year and 1 month post-op, and I catch everything. My PCP said that I have the immune system of an HIV patient.
   — Karen E.

March 6, 2003
Has your bloodwork been done lately? Make sure its good.
   — bob-haller

March 6, 2003
Just the opposite, actually. Although I have days when "don't feel good", an actual "illness" is rare. I've had 2 colds since my surgery in 94. I was a regular before, 2-3 colds per year, and anything else that passed through town. All I can think of is all the protein & vitamins I take. My albumin level is gorgeous, even though not all my numbers are perfect. I was ALWAYS dieting before, so I was undoubtedly a nutritional night mare. But no labs, so who knew? Perhaps just one number is out of whack & pulling your whole system down?
   — vitalady

March 6, 2003
Karen, if you have an immune system problem, what is your doc doing about it. Are you being referred to a specialist. A poor immune system is, in my opinion, worrisome.
   — faybay

March 6, 2003
I just wanted to ask if you are working in the public. When I worked retail I was sick ALL the time. I'd get over one thing to catch another. This is before my surgery (I'm scheduled in april). I switched jobs and have only been sick a few times. Ususaly after hubby had it. I was under alot of stress working retail and had to be on medication for anxiety/depression. I did start taking vitamins too to help my strained system. When was your last labs? Might try upping the vitamin intake. My Dr suggested a chewable multi at least 3 times a day. Hope this helps some. Jamie
   — Jamie M.

March 6, 2003
I am close to 17 months post op. I used to get sick 2-3 times per year. My colds were always severe requiring at least two days in bed. No, I have been sick only two times since surgery and both have been mild and lasted half the amount of time as the past. In my support group, everyone comments on how they don't get sick as often. I think that it would to follow up as to why you get sick more often. It may be that there is a specific problem causing this that needs to be addressed.
   — Julie S.

March 7, 2003
OPC-3 is a wonderful product for boosting the immune system. My daughter used to suffer from colds constantly one right after another. She has been taking OPC-3 now for the past 6 years and I can't remember the last time she had a cold. It works great! You are welcome to email me for more info.
   — Patti S.

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