Questions regarding constipation post op and methods to resolve it

I have increased my water intake, used Benefiber and Metamucil, and tried Milk of Magnesia, increased my ruffage with Uncle Sam Cereal, fruit and leafy greens and I am still unable to have a bowel movement without suppositories. Even then, I have to break the fecal matter apart with the suppository rather than depending on it to motivate the muscles in my lower intestine. Help! I am at my wits end and I have done everything my physician has suggested. I just need relief. What sort of effect will something like Correctal have?    — Anna B. (posted on March 4, 2003)

March 4, 2003
I would not take Correctal, it can really make you cramp up hard, that proable would not be good for your new surgery, I read here the other day that soemone Dr. told them to get medication with colase in it, have you tried a enema> good luck
   — Wendy T.

March 4, 2003
At my pre-op appointment today the dietician went over a number of things and this was one of them. She said she doesn't like to take any "medications" if it can be handled 'naturally'. Her suggestion would be a 1/2 to 1 cup of juice (preferably prune) prior to bed time and in the morning a cup or two of hot caffeinated beverage (such as coffee). She said it has been very effective in their patients.
   — Allee Z.

March 4, 2003
I've used correctol, but I didn't until about 2 months out. It's not pleasant, that's for sure, but it was the only way I could get ANY relief. At first, all I needed was cream of broccoli soup. Now, that doesn't work for me. Good luck!
   — Diana L.

March 4, 2003
I recently have had a problem with constipation, severe pain, exacberated by an anal fissure. What works for me: 3 Fiber Con a day, 2 in am and 1 in eve, 4 colace (100 mg) 2 in am and 2 in pm and lots of water. Seems like alot of pills but it works for me. I hesitate to change the routine now.
   — ~~Stacie~~

March 4, 2003
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I have been paying more attention to the foods I eat, funny but prunes bind me up as does cottage cheese. So lately I have avoided these.
   — ~~Stacie~~

March 4, 2003
You might try using a little warm water enema (I know Yuk) but it might be enough stimulus to get you going. Remember it is not good to use enemas and laxatives regularly because your colon will become accustom to them and lose its muscle tone and not work naturally. You could end up laxative or enema dependent. Not a way to live because you would always have to use them. The Benifiber and Metimucil are good to add bulk. It is suppose to keep your stool from getting too hard or too soft (as in diarrhea). It is supposed to even things out. It may take a few days to work though. Stick with the reccomended doses and drink drink drink drink. Fluids are necessary to successful bowel movements so to speak. LOL I am a retired X-ray Tech and have done my share of Barium Enemas and the problems folks had. Been there, seen that. Lots of luck
   — Gay S.

March 4, 2003
Wegmans has a great choice of cerals with aroudn 10 grams of fiber per serving. I eat some of them. Also you mentioned Metamucil. Have you tried the Metamucil Fiber Waffers? I've tried the Cinnamon Spice ones. I like the taste and it helps. I'm the constipation King so I know how uncomfortable this can be. Best of luck to you.
   — Danmark

March 4, 2003
I used to use Correctol and it was always the same thing, it would work but the cramps were unbelievable. I would also feel very nauseous as well. I asked the doctor at my last appointment and he told me that colace is usless for people like us because it doesn't absorb enough and to try Senakot tablets. I found them and because senna is natural it is very gentle and you can get it with a stool softener as well and it works great. You get the same relief without the horrible side effects of the other meds. Hope it helps.

March 5, 2003
I eat something with sugar. Makes me dump, problem solved.
   — Angie M.

March 5, 2003
My grandmother used to say to drink a cup of hot water. I find that even decaf coffee acts as a laxative on me, but then my system runs well and quick most the time anyway. Good luck to you. robin
   — rebalspirit

March 5, 2003
I know you have tried experimenting with different foods to help, so don't know if this will work for you, but it works for me. I have a cup or two of popcorn every night. Keeps me regular!
   — Cindy R.

March 5, 2003
I've struggled with constipation since having WLS. I've tried drinking mineral oil, which is an intestinal lubricant and have had success with that. Swallowing this oily stuff really grossed me out though so now I take Equate brand stool softener which works really well for me. Good luck.
   — Kelly S.

March 6, 2003
Orange flavor, sugar free Citrucel worked wonders for me until I could start eating sufficient quantities of fruits and vegetables. I still take it occassionally if I need it.
   — Kathy J.

March 6, 2003
Sounds to me like you are having problems getting the muscles to work properly. If you can use the suppository to break up the feces, then they are in place, you just need something to help you move them out. I had a situation like that, too, and it was horrible. <br>So what you are looking for isn't more bulk, but some sort of very mild laxitive. I would suggest pericolace, or something similar. You might even want to be more forceful to start, just to start things moving again, and then do things that will keep the muscles moving. <br> To keep the muscles moving, drink lots of water (warm water helps me, too), excercise and making sure you eat your meals. (When you eat, it gets the whole digestive tract moving.) Make sure that you eat some fat with meals-- even if it is just a pat of trans-free butter. Try not to eat much cheese for a while; another idea is to eat meat salads-- with just a touch of mayonaise.<br> Good luck.
   — Beth S.

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