Limited diet and weak willpower~ 7 weeks post op. Surviving on yogurt and fruit.

Today I was soo hungry coming home from work I noticed EVERY restaurant and store. I was strong enough to drive by and not stop... but once I got home to an empty house I went right to the fridge and ate a slice of cheese and a slice of ham~ Ok so now I feel sick... but should I be eating a better variety of foods to not feel so desperate? I'm afraid to try new things because of getting heartburn~ Please help ~ I don't want this 'frantic binge' to become a habit.    — Wendy B. (posted on March 3, 2003)

March 3, 2003
Ham and cheese is a great source of protein- I wouldn't feel bad about that! Ofcourse, I'm sorry you didn't feel great after eating it, but maybe you didn't chew slow enough b/c you were so hungry, or maybe the meat just didn't agree with you. Did you get alot of heartburn pre-op- is that why you are scared- or do you still get it? My heartburn has completely dissappeared since my RNY 9 months ago. I can even eat mexican food and drink OJ w/o feeling bad! I would eat more of a variety, ofcourse a bland diet is going to make you want other things and get sick of it quickly. Have you tried eggs, other cheeses, soups, beans, nuts? AT your point I was allowed to have sliced deli turey and chicken as well, it just doesn't agree with some people at first, so you have to test out different things and see what you like and what you can handle. You should do okay most of that, and it has alot of protein. Even mashed potatoes and cream of wheat are ok so early post-op. It's normal to get cravings and want to eat, esp. when you are barely eating anything, and of no variety. Goodluck to you, and eat more!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 3, 2003
By 7 weeks I was released to eat anything that I could tolerate. Has your dr released you to eating "real food" yet? If so, slowly expand your diet, saving those hard to digest items for last (pasta, steak, chicken breast, rice, etc.). Maybe you are miserable now because you ate too much ham and cheese. Early on a whole slice of each would have been too much for me. And if you have been eating liquidy things like yogurt and fruit your pouch is probably not used to dealing with that much food at once.<p>The "frantic binging" will probably not occur if you eat small amounts every few hours. My dr actually recommended that I not wait more than 3 hours to eat because I would actually end up eating MORE when I did eat. The small, frequent meals helps keep your pouch small and your metabolism steady. You just have to make sure that you are eating some protein every time. Eggs, moist tuna or chicken salad, deli meats, cheese, beans, protein bars . . . The choices are endless and only limited by what you can tolerate. Each new thing try just a couple of bites to see how you tolerate it. Pretty soon you'll be an old pro at postop eating!
   — ctyst

March 3, 2003

   — tannedtigress

March 3, 2003
Yogurt & fruit. Sugars. That might be part of the uncontrollable part of your craving. Ham 'n cheese is good, not bad. I'm wondering if you are getting protein supplements in. They really help control cravings (because they are truly nourishing), as long as you are not adding sugar to them (milk, fruit, real juices). Any time you et sugar, natural or otherwise, it can set you up for irresistible cravings. Protein (esp whey) can cool those right off. Not 100%, but hey, 95% is good, right? Have you HAD heartburn since your WLS? Or is it your memories you fear?
   — vitalady

March 3, 2003
Hi Wendy I am pre op and work at several jobs during the day in assisted living homes. Sometimes I get so hungry when I leave one one and go to the next that I have given this a thought of what I am going to do. So I thought I would carry those made up in a can protein drinks in my car for those occasions. If I am wrong in thinking this way will someone let me know what my solution might be as well.
   — Barbara T.

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