How long a wait to see Dr. Pilcher in San Antonio?

hi - i am in san antonio and my questions are for any who have used dr. pilcher or one of his associates . after the long wait just to get to the seminar , how long after that did it take to get an appointment for the surgeon consult ? and then on average how long until a surgery date ? i know it depends alot on insurance too , but the average approve fairly quickly , so what is the time frame from seminar to surgery ??????? thanks    — patti G. (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 26, 2003
I am on the list for Dr. Pilcher. I put my name on the list in May of 2002 for a June 2005 seminar date. I was moved to June 2004 after the new guy started. I e-mailed some of his patients and they said the process moves pretty quickly after the seminar, a couple of months from seminar to post op is what I was told. For more specific answers I went through profiles and found patients of his and e-mailed them. They were all happy to respond. Good Luck! Have a happy day!
   — Kristen M.

February 26, 2003
hi - i am the original poster and do have the seminar date for may 21 of this year ,but after waiting six months for that , i know i want to get things going as fast as they will let them ........ thanks
   — patti G.

February 26, 2003
I had surgery through Dr. Pilcher's office with the "new guy", Dr. Terive Duperier on September 23, 2002. Please don't get discouraged. When I first called, they told me 2005 for the seminar! I freaked. But, I knew I wanted them to be my doctors for this because they are SO skilled and qualified. They are worth the wait. Luckily for me, Dr. Duperier came in at the same time I was pressing them to get me in as a self-pay, and I was able to have surgery very quick. The only "trick" I know of is that if you get your PCP or other doctor to call their office and implore them to see you as soon as possible, they can move you up. Good luck.
   — Jen D.

February 26, 2003
Hi Patti. I also live in San Antonio. I had originally tried to get an appointment with one of the doctors here in San Antonio, but the wait was way too long, so I decided to go with Neweigh in Houston. I had my first consultation in December, just one week after I originally contacted them. I have completed all of my pre-op testing and had originally been told I would have a surgery date in late February, but due to some complications with Esophogitis, I have to wait on the surgery. As soon as I get cleared from my Gastroenterologist, then I am good to go. I had all pre-op testing done in San Antonio, I will just be having surgery in Houston (plus any follow up visits). Good Luck.
   — Dawn P.

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