I was wondering if my expectations are too high for this surgery...

I am still pre op and was wondering if it is possible to get to the weight that I want to. My sister is very small wears size 3-5's and she has some clothes that I have confisacted in hopes that sometime down the road I will be able to fit into these clothes. I am 5'3 and weigh 239. I have never been small, the lowesst size I have ever been in was size 12's and I weighed 165 when I was wearing those. I am doing this for my health and if I can just feel better I will be extremely happy but this would be the ultimate dream of mine to be able to take my sister's hand me downs. She has great taste in clothes and rarely wears anything long enough to wear it out which is a plus when you have three kids and a hubby to keep in clothes. Please any experiances with size goals is greatly appreciated.    — S C. (posted on February 25, 2003)

February 25, 2003
It is entirely possible for you to get down to where your sister is. I'm sure several post-ops, around the same height and weight as you will jump on here to tell you their stories. However, if you don't get to her size, will that disappoint you, or can you be happy at a size 8? I started at 5'3 (actually am still 5'3" LOL), and 249. 1 year later I am at 154 and closing in on the big 1-0-0. I am a size 10-12 and will be happy with another 10 pounds and a size 10. I, too, have a sister who is a size 5, but no desire to be that small. You will definitely feel better and be healthier with this surgery, but please don't have it just to get to your sisters size. If you do, and don't get to her size, you may consider yourself a failure and that would not be the case.
   — Cindy R.

February 25, 2003
I am also pre-op and have been wondeing the same thing about being realistic. You have heard of the saying about dreaming the impossible dream- well that is where I stand- do I dare to Dream this Dream that has, until now, been impossible? I do not have the same stats as you but I know what you are feeling. It is scarey to get ones hopes up as I think we are all so use to failing.I don't know- I am doing this for health reasons, too, but to also get the benfits of being thin- WOW- I still can't imagine it. It seems like a dream to me- I guess I will believe it when I really does happen. Good luck to you!!!
   — Jan S.

February 25, 2003
I am 5'1" and started at 252lbs. I now weigh 130 and ware a size 4. That is the least wonderful thing about my new life, I assure you. Good luck Margie
   — Margie W.

February 25, 2003
As long you're willing to watch what you eat and exercise then there's no limit to what you can do with this surgery as a tool. I exercise everyday and watch what I eat (I do splurge rarely). Feel free to check out my profile for any info.
   — George B.

February 25, 2003
As I said before I will be happy with any loss that makes me feel better. I have no issues with how I look and beig as thin as my sister will only benifit me by keeping some of my money in my pocket. I was just curious to see if anyone has been able to do it. I plan to follow my surgeon's instructions to a tee to maximize weightloss because I know this is my last chance to get healthy. My personal goal for myself is to get into a normal BMI range no matter what size that puts me in. My sister is actually 1 BMI point from being underweight, I do not want that.
   — S C.

February 25, 2003
I think anything is possible! I am 5'2" and have lost almost 110 lbs. in 9 months. I am 10 lbs. away from my goal, but am now weighing 142#. I wear a size 8 in most clothes, and a M and even small in some! I will probably get to a size 6 once I reach goal. And with our short height, it is easier for us to wear smaller size clothes. I have some friends who are tall and skinny as anything, but wear a size 10 b/c of the length, etc. But I think you can do it!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 25, 2003
I'm a little taller and started heavier than you. I'm 5'6" and was 300lbs. I'm now 170lbs and in a 10 and some 8's. I'm having my PS on March 31st so I may get a size smaller. I've NEVER been this small from what I can remember. I thought I would get to a 12 or a 14 and I would've been thrilled to death! Everything else is gravy! You'll probably get there but if you don't believe me, you will still be happy about it!
   — Kris T.

February 25, 2003
HERE'S TO HOPE!! I have almost exactly the same stats as you, but I'm only two and a half months out (lap RNY 12-11-02). Already I'm at 181 and so to me it seems possible at last to get down to normal. And it would be nice to save some $$, what with the surgery costs and all the clothes you'll be blazing through.
   — Kimberley E.

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