How much did you weigh when you could start to see a frame?

I was wondering...I am still pre-op but wondered at what weight do you start to notice that you really have a bone structure? Like Pelvic bones, shoulder blades? I can't even imagine... I'm sure something is holding me upright, but I'm not sure what...hahahaha    — Nickie C. (posted on February 8, 2003)

February 7, 2003
I remember clearly finding out that I had collar bones...I thought I would pass out...I thought that they had dissolved after high school (I was thin until around 20yrs old) But lo and behold, there they were. It took until I got down about 40 lbs before I found them again, but I was a *lightweight*...someone else might take longer. Good Luck and Let us know when you find them's exciting. Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

February 7, 2003
Hey Nickie great question. I remember being about 100 pounds down and feeling this strange lump in the middle of my ribcage and asking my wife whether I should have the doctor look at it - it was my sternum. I haven't seen it or felt it in about twenty years! I really noticed how much my collar bone sticks out also. - Mike
   — Michael N.

February 8, 2003
Great question because its one we all thought about pre-op and think about a lot as a postie as I discover new ones all the time! I "found" my collar bone at about 6 months out, 100 lbs lost. It was great-and seeing a picture of myself where the collar bone was showing was awesome! Same thing with hip bones about 1 year out-I actually made my friends and family feel them to tell me "thats just your hip bones!" I think I wanted to hear the words!! Now, 16 months post op and 180 lbs down I still find bones all the time-who knew your collar done actually extends to the end of your shoulders? Surely not me! And back bones? We have bones in our back? And on my chest, we have a chest plate? What the hell is that? LOL! I too went through the "I got a lump, maybe I should get this looked at stage" many many times-only to feel a symetric one on the opposite side of my body and realize ITS A BONE SILLY. Great question again!
   — Alli B.

February 8, 2003
I've lost 80 pounds - from 385 to 305, and I haven't seen ANY bones yet. I still have a long way to go, obviously, but I weighed 170 in high school, and I don't recall having visible collar bones then. (Or an actual jaw line, for that matter.) I imagine it has everything to do with how much weight you have to lose, and your body structure, generally.
   — Kim A.

February 8, 2003
I started at 5' 8 and 289 lbs. 4 months later and 74 lbs. gone, I have collar bones and shoulder blades.Good-bye pork chop fatty back!! Which is really cool. And my knees are now knees. Not lumps of fat on top of bone. And when I lay down hubby now has to be careful how he messes around with me, cause those hip bones hurt if touched wrong. And finally I'm getting cheek bones and my jaw line is more pronounced. I'm carefully unzipping this fat suit and letting my new body come out. Hope this helps you!! Good luck.
   — Heather B.

February 8, 2003
I first noticed my "sit bones"...I was getting up from my computer all the time as it was uncomfortable to sit for as long as I used to. Then I saw my cheek bones coming out (after about 50 lbs. loss...started at 276, now 180), then it seemed to work its way down...clavicles started coming out, elbows less buried in fat, that beautiful/delicate wrist bone peeked out, I began to see the knuckles on my hand instead of dimpled fat. It did take about 50 lbs. of loss to notice anything. Watch out for those ankles bones and kneecaps when shaving! You don't expect them after not seeing them for years! One problem now though, my hips kill when lying/sleeping on my side as there's no extra padding there anymore. Oh well...but those hip bones sure are pretty. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 8, 2003
Just a little funny event that happened only yesterday--my daughter 9 yo went to put her head on my chest and said "oh mommy--you're hard there now!" as she patted my sternum. I'm down 35 lbs--10 weeks out.
   — Wannabe A.

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