Looking back in hindsight,what did you forget ot ask?

MY consult is on the 24th of this month,and i need ANY and ALL input. For post ops. Looking back at your at your initial consultation,knowing what you know now.What questions do you wish you knew to ask or wush you had the answer to once you were post op.As for pre ops what question do you or have you asked your surgeon that you consider not to be the typical q to adk.    — tracy W. (posted on February 6, 2003)

February 6, 2003
I would have asked my doctor point blank what type of pain management I would have post-surgery. I assumed (you know what that word means!) that I would have a push button that I could administer myself. WRONG WRONG WRONG!! I had to rely on the nurses to bring shots of demerol---many times late, and marginally effective. Good luck!
   — asumamma1

February 6, 2003
I would ask if your Dr. attends the support group meetings. I am due for surgery 2/13 and I was very happy to learn that my Dr not only attends, but is an active participant at all the group meetings. Also make sure you go to meetings before surgery, that way you get to meet, face to face, 'examples' of his work. Also ask to be on a cancellation list at your 1st visit, my surgery got moved up and I am so thrilled. Good luck to you.
   — jpwork00

February 6, 2003
I would ask the surgeon how many of your chosen type of surgery he had done. I'd want to know what percent of his practice was WLS, and what percent of that was the WLS you choose (RNY or DS, etc). I'd ask the doctor's personal mortality rate-- i.e., how many of his patients have died, and why. <br> Ask the type of surgery he or she recommends for you, and why. Ask why he doesn't recommend the other types. If it is RNY, find out if it is open or lap, and whether it is proximal or distal (it affects malabsorption). I'd ask whether you will be required to cleanse your colon before surgery, and whether there will be a leak test in the hospital. <br> I'd ask the surgeon's policy about phone calls if you have problems-- you want to hear that he-- or someone from his office-- is available 24/7 if necessary.<br> Good luck: Beth open rny 1/15/03, -14lbs
   — Beth S.

February 6, 2003
I would've asked my surgeon if he uses an NG tube for his patients after surgery. I forgot to ask that question at the initial consult and so I worried and assumed I'd probably have an NG tube until I finally asked him during my last pre-op appointment before surgery. 5 months of worrying for nothing! He doesn't use NG tubes! YAY!
   — thumpiez

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