What happens with the stomach acid thats produced in the lower stomach

In the RNY where the lower stomach is no longer used but still produces acid what happens to that area when there is no food for the acid to work on doesnt that part of the stomach develop ulcers? and what if you already have ulcers how is that addressed preop so as not to get worse post op?Also if ulcers do develop how are they treated since that part of the stomach is now closed off.Am I correct in assuming that with the VBG ulcers are less of a problem because food actually passes through the lower part of the stomach?    — Lisa F. (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
i knew that the stomach acids would go into the intestines where they have been rerouted, but i to worried about ulcers in the 'old' stomach, i asked the surgeon. he said that when no food is in the stomach to digest, there is nothing to trigger the acid production so little acid is made in the stomach after wls, he had never heard of anyone getting an ulcer in the old stomach, but it would be vitually impossible to know because there is no way to look into the old stomach with out open surgery of some kind. that is what i was told my my surgeon.
   — janetc00

February 1, 2003
Hi, I asked my surgeon the same question. My concern was that the stomach "acids" must be acidic, and how much straight acid with no food can the old stomach and the bypassed portion of the intestines handle. His answer was that the stomach produces different gastric juices, some acidic, some basic. That is, some have a pH under 7 (acidic) and some have a pH over 7 (basic) and they neutralize each other in the old stomach so the stomach doesn't deal with just acid, the liquids are neutralized and do not harm the stomach. That's a relief!! Also, he did say that less gastric juices are produced anyway.
   — Iris B.

February 1, 2003
Janet.... The DR can look at your "old stomach" in a number of ways. 1-- Ultrasound 2-- MRI 3-- And a very long colonospy<sp?> This one I'm not sure about but I belive it can be done.
   — Robert L.

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