Suddenly, 3.5 months post-op I am retaining fluid again - why????

I have swelling in my feet and legs, my fingers, and this morning even my face seems swollen - I've gained 4 pounds in fluid over the past week. I've started drinking more water - 3 quarts a day for the past 4 days and yesterday I started taking an OTC water pill. I'm still swollen but I also feel dehydrated - my mucous membranes feel dry and I'm thirsty. Help!!!    — Etta M. (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 29, 2003
edema can be caused from low protien also. Are you getting enough in? You need to be seen by your doc about this.
   — Vicki L.

January 30, 2003
It sounds like your electrolytes are off. You should call your doctor asap
   — Cara F.

January 31, 2003
I wanted to post a follow-up to my own question. The responses that I got to my question started me researching the supplements that I have been taking to determine if they had impacted my electrolyte balance. I also called my doctor. What I found through research and discussions with my doctor is that the soy protein in my protein shakes and the soy milk that I had been drinking has had a negative impact on my thyroid. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I am on medication for it but my symptoms had never been this severe. The doctor recommended that I stay away from soy products and he is increasing my medication. Thank you for your help!
   — Etta M.

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