Does anyone regret having their tummy tuck done?

I am two months pre op for a full abdominoplasty with lipo and scar revision and I'm really nervous about the post op pain as well as the results. Should I be ???    — michelle T. (posted on January 27, 2003)

January 28, 2003
Not a chance. At first, due to the pain and such, I had wondered why I had had the surgery done(tt). Now though, eight weeks post-op, I am really glad I had it done. I can actually fit into clothing without having to push and prod the hanging skin into pants and a girdle. It is a long healing process, but I know that for me it will have been worth it. Good luck.
   — twenc

January 30, 2003
It was the best thing I've ever done for myself. The pain is VERY minimal for the full abdominoplasty. I was able to stand straight up the next day. Lipo is a different story. I had my arms lipoed in August and they still hurt at times. Trust me, you will be happy after the tt.
   — Patty H.

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