Has anyone started turning gold
I am wearing jewelery that I have worn for years, real god jewelery but now 5 months out, I have started turning it or it's actually turning me. Has anyone else had this happen, could it be a vitamin deficiency? — leeann N. (posted on January 13, 2003)
January 13, 2003
I would like to know the cause of this myself, sorry I don't have an answer
for you. I am still pre-op and do not currently have this problem. It was
about 10 or so years ago, I would turn pure gold, black and green, not
slightly but it would be completely turned and after a good cleaning back
to normal. Another thing, if I put certain foundations on my face, it would
turn bright orange, like someone colored my face with an orange magic
marker. It eventually went away and I still to this day do not know what
made this occur. I may have a slight problem now that I think of it,
sometimes my ring finger turns slightly black under my ring. Not all the
time, maybe once a month. I hope someone answers this that knows the
reason. Very curious about it.
— Dee ,.
January 13, 2003
OK. I must admit I was really curious. I just had to check and make sure
there wasn't an evil mastermind taking over the world thru WLS patients!
LOL (OK, I'm a James Bond fan. So sue me. :)<p>Someone asked this
question a month or two ago and I looked it up. It is not a vitamin
deficiency, but having to do with the acidity of your skin. I have always
had trouble with 10K gold (and many types of makeup). The solution to your
problem--and be sure to tell the hubby this one, girls . . . Valentine's
is coming up--is to replace your lesser carat gold jewelry with 18k stuff.
The acidity in your skin is reacting, not with the gold, but with the
fillers in the jewelry. So don't panic, but start looking over those
newspaper inserts!
— ctyst
January 13, 2003
LOL Deena that's what I meant by problems with makeup. My aunt had the same
problem. About 90% of the makeups out there would have us looking like
jack-o-lanterns by lunchtime. I have found some makeup base that works fine
but still have to watch the lipsticks really closely.
— ctyst
January 13, 2003
You may be right about this, thinking back I was a teen and buying my own
jewelry with my own money. So, I probably did buy the cheaper jewelry (10K)
just so I could have it. The makeup was a big issue and I ended up having
to go to the dept store and spend $25 on a bottle of foundation. But, as I
got tired of spending that kind of cash, I slowly eased back into the other
stuff and it was fine again? The ring I am referring to now is 14k, so
maybe I do need an upgrade! My body also "rejects" earrings. No
matter what karat or material the earrings are, my ears swell up like
balloons. I've been trying to let them close for two years without luck!
Guess it's just bad genes :-(
— Dee ,.
January 13, 2003
3 Yrs post and have bad problem with all gold jewelery turning fingers,
ears, wrists, etc. black. My mother is having same problem. It clearly
is not the quality of the gold. I have worn them for has my
mother...this has to do with something WLS releated. We have asked many one knows...
— lee J.
January 13, 2003
I had this problem before I had surgery, and a friend recommended putting a
little Benadryl Cream on my finger, under my ring. It only happens with my
10K not my 14K. The cream did the trick. Laure
— Laure H.
January 13, 2003
I wonder if the skin's PH changes with our new diet. I remember reading
once upon a time that Vegetarian's
(true non-flesh eaters as opposed to the "I'm Vegetarian, I only eat chicken and
fish") skin PH becomes more alkaloid (base). So I wonder if the
post-op diet's of high protein has the opposite effect and makes the skin
more acidic and thus react with the gold to produce that black discharge??
<p> Take CAre, Be Well, and be Happy!
— John T.
January 13, 2003
The receptionist where I work (no WLS, no wt problem)is so reactive to
gold, she can take any piece of gold jewelry and rub it on her skin and it
leaves a black mark. She calls it an allergy. She wears silver and
— Kim A.
January 13, 2003
Hi Everyone, this is one suggestion, I have been in the Jewelry business
for the last 20 years and have seen this many times. Sometimes it is from
medications, sometimes our systems have a lot of acid in them, and
sometimes believe it or not our rings needs a professonal cleaning, and
after we put on our makeup if we have any left on our hands or if our
earrings touch our face and rub they will turn black I have some 24 karat
that does it if it rubs against my makeup, gold is a soft metal and makeup
works as a abrasive and you will get this black on your neck, if you are
wearing necklaces, or by your ears if you are wearing earrings, and under
your rings, sounds simple doesn't it, but it is turn in alot of cases,
stores won't charge you to clean and steam your rings. Try it and see, God
Bless you all you wonderful people, Susie
— lostitall
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