Anyone have good or bad to say about Neosporin?

I am still pre-op, but I am trying to get everything that I will need for after my surgery. I have been considering buying Neosporin to use on my incision. The box says it helps with pain in the area of cuts and it is proven to help an area heal quicker. Also it is supposed to help with infection. Has anyone used this?    — sibarra (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 8, 2003
I think Neosporin is some type of "magic goo". I have used it for many years and have found it to really heal cuts faster. If you've ever seen the TV ad where they show the time-lapsed healing, it is almost at that speed!!! Ok, well not really, but MUCH faster than without. That said I have never used it on any surgical inciscions. I didn't think to use it on my gallbladder scar or my c section scar (whose going to see that anyway LOL!). When my son had a cut on his face that required stitches, the ER doctor told us to use Neosporin because it helped healing faster and she said that plastic surgeons said it minimized scars... maybe, my little boy has a small scar and it hasn't faded yet.
   — w8free

January 8, 2003
When I had my open rny (twice) my surgeon told me not to put anything on it except peroxide and water. Perhaps as it heals you can wash it with Gold Dial antibacterial soap, very lightly. He said that neosporin and other gooey things like that are breeding grounds for infection and can make any healing problems worse. The first time I was opened my incision was open for 4 mos! The second time I had internal sutures and no staples and had no problems like that at all. It closed quickly without any draining or any seromas. If you can choose, ask for internal sutures and surgical glue. It is much more comfortable and heals better. Also the scar is smaller and prettier. As far as using the creams or ointments, my surgeon says no.
   — Mylou52

January 8, 2003
My RNY was LAP and I didn't use anything, but I recently had ulcer surgery that was open, and now have a huge incision. It's only been a little over 3 weeks, but my doctors said that Vitamin E is ok to use. I also bought "Mederma" which is supposedly proven to heal scars pretty well, esp. if they are new ones, (as opposed to stretch marks, etc.) I thought of using neosporin as well b/c it works fast. I never asked my doc, but I do know that on the tube it says not for large areas. I'm not sure why, though. I would ask your surgeon just in case! Goodluck :)
   — Lezlie Y.

January 8, 2003
I had a bowel resection surgery last Feb. with a scar nearly identical to the open rny and the surgeon told me not to put neosporin on it because it keeps the incision too soft. Just told me to dribble a soapy cloth over it, rinse it and pat it dry. No Neopsorin
   — Delores S.

January 8, 2003
Hi Sarah :). First, let me say that I am an RN and a mom, so I have lots of experience with Neosporin! If your incision(s) is healing fine, I would recommend NOT using anything on it. Sometimes the skin can develop a sensitivity or even an allergy to ointments like Neosporin. Since the main job of Neosporin is to kill bacteria, make sure that you are keeping the area clean and dry and that should be all you need to do. Of course, there are docs out there who want their patients to use it, and if yours is one of them then you should do as YOUR doc prescribes. BEST OF LUCK! SuzAnne in Utah
   — SuzAnne S.

January 8, 2003
My plastic surgeon has all his patients use neosporin on their incision sites. He prescribes showering with antibacterial soap, patting dry, applying neosporin along the incision, then covering it all with gauze before putting on clean bindings. All his photos before & after had great end results on their scars being thin and fading nicely. Mine has faded very well in the last 6 or 7 months since the original surgery. I contribute most of it to his skill but totally followed his aftercare guidelines. I had a huge incision that went hip to hip and around my back at the waist. Also I had some lipo scars too. I didn't have any problems with treating that large of an area with it.
   — Shelly S.

January 8, 2003
I was told not to put anything on my incisions....I love Neosporin for everything else though. .....Karen (lap rny- 9/20/02- down 94 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

January 8, 2003
hello, I am 20 days post-op and was told not to use the neosporn,... so I used the tripple ointment!!! same thing...just becouse I had it. Iv got to say that IT WORKS! the other people at my wls meetings cant get over how much better my scar is healing then theres. it does look great. I use the tripple ointment right befor bed then in the morning I shower it of with an anti bacterial soap.then use hydogyn poroxide then pat dry & leave it dry till P.M. and do it again. I was worried about leaving it on to long as well, thats why I only do it at Works fine!The doctor & his staff can't get over how wonderfull my incision / scar is healing.I will tell them at some point little afraid to becouse the doctor told me not to put anything on it. it just made sence to me...every wound scrape or cut Iv had it worked VERY well ....WELL this is a BIG Wound scrape & cut!!! I started using tripple ointment AFTER all open places were well closed . and it works well at night becouse I have to stay on my back anyway, I just grabed the tripple ointment and slathered some on, (maybee I was bored)but it works!!!! GOOD LUCK & GOD BE WITH YOU
   — Arnold J.

January 8, 2003
I used neosporin Cream on mine, and never had any soreness, or redness of any kind.
   — Valerie M.

January 8, 2003
I used Neosporin Plus after my surgery. The hospital gives the cheap Bacitracin but I think the Neosporin is much better. Make sure you get the one that says plus it help numb it a little.
   — Linda A.

January 9, 2003
I like "both" that and vitamin E on my scars.
   — Danmark

January 10, 2003
I would consult with your surgeon about Neosporin. I used Aloe Vera cream after my sutures were removed. The only thing I used before my sutures were removed was Dial Antibacterial soap. I truly believe it kept infection away!
   — dolphins94

January 10, 2003
My Dr told me to use Polysporin, because some people have a bad reaction to the neoprine that is neosporine.
   — Farrah M.

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