Has anyone been able to get the employer to override an exclusion ?
I have an exclusion for anything having to do with obesity in my insurance . I was told to talk to the president (owner) and vice-president of the company , they would be the ones to change the exclusion . I plan to call insurance again in the morning and double check on this , but I was wondering if anyone out there has gone thru this and had it reversed ( the exclusion ) ? What do I need to do and say and to whom ? I want to find out all I can before making an appointment to go to my hubby's work . I don't think he wants me to , but for what we pay and what i want and need , I am !!!! Thanks for any help .......... — patti G. (posted on January 5, 2003)
January 5, 2003
My employer added a rider to our policy to take care of the exclusion. We
had UHC of GA. I work for a doctor and we are a small office. His wife is
the office manager adn they were both very supportive in my efforts. I
also had mentioned to them about the GA legislation and actually had a copy
for them. UHC would not add the rider until it was time for our renewal,
but did at that time with only a letter from the employeer. The premiums
were already going up so the rider didn't show up much in the big picture.
Some doctors know ways around the exclusions. Have you chekced with yours?
It helped too when I presented the long term pix of my health w/ and w/o
the surgery. Good luck
— Leigh S.
January 5, 2003
Personally I would submit for approval and then if you get a denial go talk
to the big wigs. Obesity and Morbid Obesity are 2 totally different
diagnosis codes because they are totally different medical conditions. My
policy also excludes any treatment for obesity but not morbid obesity.
Just make sure what is submitted clearly says MO and you may get a
surprise. Good Luck!
— zoedogcbr
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