17 mo post op Severe Chest/abdominal pain
I am 17 months post-op with the Open RNY. A few days ago, I started getting severe and I do mean severe pain right below my breast the center of the chest. It feels as if something is pushing inward and squeezing all at the same time. It also radiates to a dull ache over the rest of the abdominal area. But it does orginate in that one particular area below the breast bone. It's so severe that I can barely even move. I ended up in the ER 2 days ago because I couldn't stand the pain..these attacks last about 3 to 4 hours, and usually start about 3 hours after I eat something. The hospital had no idea what was wrong..I vomited while there and that eased the pain some..and was given a GI cocktail. Since then..I have had 1 other attack which happened today..this one again..3 hours after I ate..and lasted about 3 hours in duration. I made myself vomit hoping it would relieve some of the pain, and it did. I have an appointment with my surgeon next tuesday...but I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience and knows what could be causing this?? Thanks in advance for any help you can give! — Becky F. (posted on January 2, 2003)
January 2, 2003
Do you still have your gallbladder? If so have them check for stones.
— davesband1
January 2, 2003
Definatly check your Gullbladder. Also, I used to have pain like that about
a year after my first c-section. The pain was unbearable and I could not
sit or stand even. It would get so bad I would throw up and all this would
happen a few hours after I ate. It turned out that I had MAJOR scar tissue
build up around my c-section and my bladder was like sticking to another
part of my body. During the second c-sec, the dr. fixed the problem and
took out the scar tissue and it helped.
— Maria S.
January 2, 2003
I am 25 months out and was in ER this past weekend with sever pain below my
right breast..under the rib cage
radiating upwards and found this to have happened after eating ..pain
lasted more then 6 hours maybe longer was on IV pain meds by this
time..throwing up did not help
I think it was a intestinal kink
since then I have noticed food seems to just sit in my chest and then I
hear a gurgle and it eases up like it passed through finally..I had every
test know to Man
I am tracking it
I am so scared of that pain returning
it was awful
I have heard that you can have a intestinal kink that relaxes and then
kinks again
I was told soft and soups for a few days
good luck
I have no gallbladder
— Kathleen M.
January 2, 2003
Deffinately have them check your Gallbladder, if you still have it. I had
pains like that before as well and it took about that long for the pain to
subside. I would have to vomit and then I would pretty much passout from
the pain. So, it sounds alot like Gallstones.
— Cindy P.
January 3, 2003
I experienced very much the same pain intermittently for a couple of months
- until early October 2002 I had an attack that would not stop. After
being taken from work to the hospital by paramedics, I had to have
emergency surgery to remove scar tissue that had built up and intertwined
into and around my intestines as a result of the RNY. I am OK now, but I
am less another few inches of intestine. It is something I don't want to
go through again. Your plight sounds very similar. Good luck.
— Juan C.
January 3, 2003
i am po 7mos and when i first came home i had that also and i thought it
was gas and inventually it stop check it out with your physican might be
something else.
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