Midnight hunger pains after Lap-Band???

Can those of you who have had Lap-banding please tell me if this is normal. I'm 1 week post-op and I wake up about twice a night with EXTREME hunger pains. i have to get up and eat (drink) some pudding or other creamy substance 'cause water doesn't cut it. Also, because of this I really haven't slept well since surgery. Any thoughts???? Thanks.    — lorn_23 (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 31, 2002
Until you are on real solid food, you will probably be hungry a lot. That's just the way of the band. How much longer till you can eat solids? Then, it will be much better. Also, not sleeping well after surgery is common. I had to sleep on the couch for two weeks because I could only sleep in a certain position. This also will pass. You will be generally feel MUCH better at two or three weeks. Trust me, this recovery is a breeze compared to other surgeries. In a while, after you've lost weight and are really excited about your band, this will all be a distant memory. This is the worst part of banding. The first month and pre-fill. M
   — M. B.

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