I have a surgery date of l2/23...

I have heard many horror stories about the blood gas tests...I will not be having this until I get to the hospital Monday..Can anyone explain just what this is..and if it is truly painful...Now that my surgery is approaching so fast I am terrified.    — pat C. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
i don't understand why you are hearing "horror" stories about blood gases. also known as abg's. This is just like when they draw blood for routine blood tests except it is arterial blood,usually drawn near your wrist. It is a little more painful but not much. It checks for oxygen levels in your blood. That will help anesthesia know what is going on with you. Hope this helps. There is no need to fear this test.
   — Delores S.

December 17, 2002
Don't get worked up over it. But, it hurt like a big dog. It was quick and felt to me like an IV being shoved into the underneath side of the wrist. All of the pain is worth having the surgery, though. I've heard that the test does not hurt some people, so maybe you will be one of those! Good luck and god bless
   — Toni T.

December 17, 2002
I had blood gas tests done when I had a blood clot in my leg. I was told it would hurt bad. I never felt more then a pin prick like any shot. I sat there waiting for the pain and asked when it would began. They laughed and said it was over. I quess some feel some pain but it depends on who does the test.
   — Carol H.

December 17, 2002
No matter what procedure you go in for you will hear horror stories from some people. I had mine drawn from the wrist. It's like getting a shot only a little more uncomfortable. I'm not a needle person and I handled it very well. Just hope for the best. That's all you can do. Good luck.
   — Tracy A.

December 17, 2002
I had the blood gas test done after my surgery, due to my breathing problems...I felt nothing, maybe because I was on morphine...but...I did have a bruise from it that was there over a a matter of fact, the bruise just finally faded away about two weeks ago....Open RNY 10-30-02
   — Ms. M.

December 17, 2002
I have had to get blood gas tests all my life due to asthma. I have had both good on pain and not-so-good on pain blood gas tests but even the worst wasn't bad enough to worry about for one minute. Its over and done with in a minute and if you make sure you have a pro doing it, you'll be fine. The way I look at it is... I can take any amount of pain if I know its only temporary. You'll do fine.
   — thumpiez

December 17, 2002
Hi!<br>I'm not sure if this is good news for you or bad news. I had blood gasses done 2-3 times the 2nd night after surgery, as I was having breathing problems and was totally out of it. The GOOD news is that it didn't hurt at all... and... ok... I don't really REMEMBER it. The BAD news is that the respiratory therapist that did them said he was STUNNED I didn't remember them, because many people say they hurt.<br>I think you'll be ok... just keep a good attitude about everything.<br>Kelly
   — Kelly B.

December 17, 2002
This was what I dreaded the worst in my pre-op stuff. However, the girl who did mine was very skilled, and I hardly felt it!
   — Susan A.

December 18, 2002
Arterial blood gases are drawn to determine if you are adequatly oxygenating your blood and they are important especially when you are being put to sleep for surgery. They are usually drawn from the wrist area, or the inside elbow area. I have heard patients complain that it is painful. The good news is that it is usually very quick. The best thing that you can do is to just look away, take a deep breath and think about how good you are going to look in your bathing suit next year. Good luck.
   — denaa

December 19, 2002
Blood-gases arent as bad, as most people make them out to be. I have a very low pain tolerance, and it took the nurse 6 times, to even, get the needle inside my artery.. It hurt, as bad as getting your blood taken, not very bad. Don't stress too much over it, the minimal pain, will definitely be worth it. Goodluck!!!
   — Erica D.

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