Looking for a surgeon in St. Louis or Nashville that accepts medicare assignment

   — Mary U. (posted on December 4, 2002)

December 4, 2002
can't help you with those places, but UAMS in Little Rock does take Medicare. That's where I had my surgery done. Also, I believe. LIVLITE (Dr. King) in Oxford Mississippi takes Medicare. Hope this helps.
   — Linda M.

December 5, 2002
Drs. Scott and delaTorre 636 327 4500
   — Kandie M.

December 8, 2002
Drs. Scott and de la Torre in St. Louis/St. Charles, MO do not accept Medicare Assignment for bariatric surgery. They are a Medicare provider, but because Medicare will not do a pre-approval for the surgery there is too great a risk the claim will be turned down. The hospital will not accept Medicare Assignment.
   — Jayne E.

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