I'm having constant nauseau, vomitting and lower abdominal pains.

I have my VBG in January of 2002. I've lost 160 pounds. However, I also developed a hernia that had to be repaired. Before it was repaired, there was a 3 month period where I absolutely could not eat. Food made me sick. I got over that hump, but, it seems the hump has returned. I am constantly nauseaus again and every time I matter what it is, I vomit. Also, I have excrutiating lower abdominal pains, almost like severe gas. Help me!!!!!!    — Jennifer M. (posted on November 30, 2002)

November 30, 2002
Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry for you. You must be just miserable. I sure wish I could help you, but I haven't had the surgery yet. (Still researching.) What does your doctor say about this? Can SOMEBODY please help Jennifer find some answers, some solace? Is this normal, and is there anything she can do to stop this from happening, or to alleviate her pain?
   — Beverly S.

November 30, 2002
Jennifer, Pain means that there is something going on. You need ot discuss this with your doctors. You could have numerous issues for this pain, from ulcers to adhesions, to an intestinal blockage. Please call your doctor.
   — Vicki L.

November 30, 2002
This support group can be a lot of things, but we cannot and should not try to diagnose or treat and that is what you are asking for. Get yourself to your doctor as soon as possible. Your symptoms are serious and you could be causing yourself further damage by pretending that you have the time to wait for a response from a website support group. Good Luck and let us know how it turns out.
   — merri B.

December 1, 2002
I experienced the same thing last month except I only let it go on for a week. I was miserable so I know how you are feeling. I went back to the gastro doc and he did another scope of my stomach and found my esophagus(sp?) had closed up some and he dilated it. Unfortunately that causes normal bleeding but because I was vitamin deficient and dehydrated the bleeding wouldn't stop. I was in the hospital for a week while they had to give me blood and fluids because I lost so much. I felt 100% better when I left the hospital and all the nausea, vomiting, and pain was gone. Thankfully it hasn't returned. We did have different surgeries so it might be something else with you I'm not sure but I would definitly speak to your doc or go to the ER if the pain gets too severe. There is absolutely no reason to live in that kind of pain. Something is wrong and sometimes can be fixed easily. Good luck and God Bless. :)
   — Diana L.

December 1, 2002
I will have to agree with Merri and Vickie's responses, and I strongly suggest you go to your doctor. The symptoms you talk of sound similar to bowel obstruction, BUT, can only be diagnosed by a qualified physician. Please, don't put off contacting your doctor; call first thing in the morning. Good luck!
   — Gina H.

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