What about the Atkin's diet?

I am planning on having wls in probably January and am wondering if the Atkin's diet is a good choice after clear liquids, soft foods etc...Anyone have thoughts about this? Thanks much, Claire    — gramof3 (posted on November 19, 2002)

November 19, 2002 This is a good web site to get information on the Atkins diet. It states the pros and cons of the diet. In my opinion- I say 'no' it is not a good choice to use post op. I do not think it provides enough whole carbohydrates-like veggies and fruit. I also think that it allows a person to eat to many unhealthy proteins. I would look for something else. Sorry
   — Jan S.

November 19, 2002
I do a modified version of atkin's diet. I don't count carbs from vegetables (green ones and cauliflower - that THINKS it's green :>) I only keep an eye closely on starchy or sugary carbs. And I disagree with the previous post about "unhealthy" proteins. I don't think there is such a thing. Talk to your surgeon about it though!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 19, 2002
I believe the Atkins diet lets you eat alot of fat with your protein. After WLS you are to eat LEAN protein, no fat.
   — barbara A.

November 20, 2002
Atkins supporter here. You know that the problem is with people that state that the Atkins diet is bad, or it allows such high fat, THEY DON'T READ. If these people would just read the book, they would see that is ONLY the first two weeks called the induction phase that really restricts the veggies, and in that you are allowed to have two cups of salad a DAY on the induction. Two cups, that's more then most of us get as post op. Your restricted to less than 20 grms of carbs the first two weeks only, then every week you take it up 5 grms until your at your carb threshold. Meaning a right amount of carbs, Healthy carbs, that allows you to lose weight and still be eating soundly. I have lost almost 200 lbs in 15 months and I can say that if I hadn't stayed on Atkins for 95% of the time as a post op, I would be no where near my goal. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but please stop with the un educated comments that it doesn't allow vegetables. I eat vegetables EVERYDAY, I make smart choices when it comes to the protein. Dr. Atkins isn't putting a gun to anyone's head and saying YOU MUST EAT BACON or fat laden meats. it's choice. It's all about being wise. If you want to know about Atkins read his book from cover to cover. You will see all the hype about how bad it is is garbage. My doctor knows I'm on it and approves. My bloodwork comes back fine, and I'm as healthy as I ever could be. Best of luck to you :)
   — Carey N.

November 21, 2002
Hey - just wanted to add my two cents. I saw a bit on the news the other night about the Atkins diet -vs- the American Heart Association diet. A university study found that people on the Atkins diet lost more weight, kept more off, and reduced their cholesterol and blood pressure more than the people on the AHA diet. I cut my carbs way low recently, and the weight just started falling off! Something to think about:0)!
   — Shannon D.

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