vision and smells

I had my surg.on nov.12th . I cam e home last night and I noticed today I look kind of weird out of my eyes. when i lookin the mirror I look weird and my vision is a little off. also. I have very bad breath and body odor.I am also sweating alot could this be from anesthesia? please if any one knows please let me know..thanks a lot everyone.    — Tamara M. (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
Hi, I think it would be the anesthesia. You might have had a reaction from it or it is reacting to your body differntly from most. I would call the surgeon or something and ask them if this could be a side effect. Hope this helps alittle good luck
   — Starla W.

November 16, 2002
The bad breath and body odor is most likely a side effect of being in ketosis (which is a good thing). The sweating might be from hormones, this surgery can do some wacky things to your hormones for a while! The vision, I dunno but anesthetia is pretty powerful stuff and I wouldn't be surprised at all. I wish you best of luck on your journey.
   — cjabates

November 16, 2002
If your diabetic the big blood sugar drop can effect your vision. The bad breath is almost certinally because of ketosis. I would call your surgeon just to reassure you.
   — bob-haller

November 16, 2002
hi there! first of all congrats on your recent surgery! very new post op, my breath was bad too as well as many others that have wls. i think it may have alot to do with the anestetics and also when you go into ketosis breath will be bad too. i didnt really notice any new odors on me but i smelled like a hospital i noticed. one thing i noticed also is my sense of smell was so much stronger. everything and everyone smelled bad to me for some reason.that passed pretty quickly though. the bad breath and the terrible rotten taste in my mouth was awful to deal with and made the food taste bad to me. i noticed my sense of balance and vision were distorted and vision was even fuzzy at times but soon of luck to you and it will get better i promise :)
   — carrie M.

November 16, 2002
This is in response to a response to this question. Being in the state of "ketosis" is NOT a GOOD thing!!!! I use to work in a dialysis center and have talked extensively with the dietitian, she said ketosis is very rough on the kidneys and liver. In some people it could damage them so bad the organs could not perform their jobs properly. Being in ketosis is what the Adkins diet (all protein and nothing else) does to your body and we all know how well that works. We post-ops need to definitely get our protein in but MUST balance it with a few carbs and a little fat. You can do serious damage to your organs by letting your body go into ketosis. The weight will come off. Eat a balanced diet.
   — Patty.W

November 16, 2002
Ketosis is also the burning of fat for energy. I DEFINTELYT spent a month in heavy ketosis, but wasnt on a no carb diet. Ketosis isnt all bad when its burning fat which is how we loose weight.
   — bob-haller

November 17, 2002
I wouldn't be too concerned about the bad breath. For several weeks post op, I had an awful taste in my mouth and horrible breath. It's not too surprising considering you're probably in ketosis and that vitamins and/or protein drinks constitute such a big part of your diet right now. I'm 8 weeks out now and that's gotten a lot better. I'd be more concerned about the vision problem though; that shouldn't be happening. I did have some days earlier on where I thought I was very pale looking and kind of had circles under my eyes and I'm not sure if that's what you might mean by "looking weird". As I got stronger and got in more protein, that improved.
   — sandsonik

November 18, 2002
Hi Tamara, I know what you mean about your vision, I had the same problem. My funny vision went away in about a week, I think it is from the anethesia. I had icky body odor too, it smelled like chicken broth. ICK! That went away rather quickly too thank god!
   — fropunka

November 18, 2002
Tamera - Congrads!!! I am also a recent postop. I had surgery on Nov6. I also had the vision thing. It lasted about a week to 10 days. When I went to my doctor he said it was from the anesthesia. I still have the bad breath and on some days I also stink. I think our bodies are just doing some major reajustment. We will go into ketosis if we are doing protein first and that is a good thing! Good luck!
   — Sharon F.

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