Anyone have plastic surgery done when they were less then a year out?

How did it turn out?    — Lisa N M. (posted on October 29, 2002)

October 29, 2002
Haven't had my TT/ Boob Job, but will be having it on Dec.2nd. , and my 1 year anniversary isn't until February 27th. 2003.
   — bikerchic

October 29, 2002
Unless you are at goal it seems foolish. Should you have plastic surgery before goal (and assuming you reach goal) you'll need more surgery later.
   — Danmark

October 30, 2002
This is the original poster. I am less than 20 pounds away from goal. I really want to have a tt done ASAP, because I am having pain from my hernia.
   — Lisa N M.

October 31, 2002
Hi Lisa, I had my tummy tuck/hernia in June of 2002, had my wls Oct of 2001, I had lost 90 pds at that time, but needed so badly to get rid of the huge apron I had, and I knew something was wrong because I couldn't stand very long without pain, so when they started the tummy tuck, they found a huge hernia, so I am so glad to have had it done it makes all the difference in the world for your self esteem and in your clothes. Best of everything to you, Susie -125pds and losing only have 10 or so to reach goal.
   — lostitall

November 5, 2002
If your within 20 pounds of your goal weight, you can have plastic surgery now. I was within 15 pounds of my goal weight when I had my done. I was 9 months post-op Lap RNY. I'm VERY pleased with the results. Go for it!!
   — Patty H.

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