Is there anything........

else I should be doing to prepare for surgery? I am taking a multi-vit daily, some walking (when I am not working), cutting back caffeine. I feel there is probably more I could be doing but not sure what? I want to be ready for surgery physically (and mentally of course) so that recovery is easier. Any suggestions? Thanks!!    — chatterbox213704 (posted on October 23, 2002)

October 23, 2002
I've heard upping your protein can help recovery. Maybe start those shakes now?
   — mom2jtx3

October 23, 2002
My surgeon has all his patients attend a nutrition class. The nutritionist told all us preops to start taking a chewable multivitamin, an iron tab and extra strength Tums for the calcium. Also she met with us individually and told us to start looking at labels for suger/protein. We should try some protein drinks or shakes and see which ones that we like. Also, when she met with me she told me that I needed to start cutting calories and try to lose a few pounds prior to surgery to get my body in gear for what is to come. She handed me a 1200 calorie diet to follow. I have a bmi of 45 and I am 5'8.5. So far its been good!!!Hope this helps.
   — Angela C.

October 23, 2002
Up your protein, definately, but you do not need the shakes at this point, so why spend the money?? Just eat lost of good proteins like beef, chicken, tuna. Make those your snacks. It will denfinatly help with the healing process. Continue the multivit. And walking is WONDERFUL!! Also...throw away your scale!! You do not want ot be a slave to it post op.
   — Vicki L.

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