Other Teens Considering Surgery?

I am 15 years old and looking to have WLS performed. Are there any other teens on this site who are also thinking about it or have already had it performed? Please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks!    — Kristine J. (posted on October 20, 2002)

October 20, 2002
On the day that I had surgery, there was a 17 year old young lady having the same suregery as me. She was a beautiful young woman and her father was with her supporting her all along the way. She is doing fantastically and looking forward to her senior prom. We were all very proud of her. Good luck to you, too. Most people wait until it is too late or they wait 10 years too long to have this done. Do your research and be certain of your decision. Then, make sure you have the support of your family! I am two months post op, started as a "lightweight"- 211 pounds- down 31 pounds, 69 more to go... Never sorry, and doing great.
   — cmlattig

October 20, 2002
Hi! Although I am no longer a teen I am only 20years old and just had open RNY. If I had known about the surgery at 15 I would have definately gone for it. Make sure you have peace about the surgery you choose and the more support you have the better. If you have any questions or would just like someone to talk to please feel free to email me. I think you are a very brave and wonderful young woman. [email protected]
   — Rebekah A.

October 20, 2002
I am not a teen anymore either, but I am 23 and just had this surgery in June. I invite you to take a look at my webring- WLS for Younger People; Generations X and Y. Here is the link : . Most of the people are around college age, as there are just not too many teens who have this surgery. But maybe you can get an idea from this ring, as it is at least a little closer to your age.
   — Jennifer Y.

October 20, 2002
I am not a teen either...but I just want to say congratulations to you. You are making the right decision to live a healthier and happier life! I wish this option had been available to me 10 years ago! Good Luck! (open RNY 7/23/02 -72 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

October 20, 2002
Good for you! My 13 year old daughter had a sleeve gastrectomy (VG) just over 5 weeks ago and has lost over 40 lbs. so far. She did very well with the operation, tolerates all kinds of food very well, and went back to school after one week. I'm very proud of you for taking charge of your life--I see no reason why you should have to "wait" just to get older. Please email me for more info if you want, I can also share our appeal package for the insurance, which paid for my daughter's surgery on the first appeal. It's kids like you who are gonna rule the world one day!
   — sandieguy

October 21, 2002
I am not exactly a teen, but I am only 22. I have a friend that had surgery at 18. She is doing wonderful! The younger you have the surgery, the less amount of time it takes to bounce back. I was up and on my feet much sooner than some other people I know were. Besides, here is what I thought of it. I am young, I may not have a lot of serious health problems that are associated with my weight yet, but Lord knows I would get them in a matter of time. I have been overweight all my life and I was sick and tired of all the dieting and everything. I could not have children because of my weight and that was devistating. I knew that if I didn't have the surgery, things were only going to get worse. So I decided to go with it and I am so happy I did! I am 8 weeks out today and feeling wonderful. I have lost about 45 pounds. Besides.. if you have surgery now, you will be skinny by your Senior Pictures! Something to look forward to. Besides the fact that you will be healthier and happier. 45 pounds out of 200 is not that much in the whole scheme of thing, but I can already tell that I am feeling better! Good luck!
   — sammygirlwpc

October 21, 2002
Hi.. This is a question I was about to post myself. My daughter is over 100lbs over weight, and she is really suffering. Please keep us posted about your progress. I am looking to help my daughter secure some type of surgery, hopefully the same as Sandie's daughter. Jackie
   — Jacklyn C.

October 21, 2002
Hi~ I'm not a teen anymore, but I am also only 22. I will be having Lap RNY in December. I don't have any co-morbids yet other than back and hip pain, but with my family history, I'm basically doomed without this surgery. I have a message board set up for younger people having WLS. There aren't too many posts lately, but maybe we get it going again. I do check it and I know others do, too. The address is There are currently 44 members :)
   — Toni C.

October 21, 2002
Hi Kristine. I am nowhere near being a teen. I'm 37. The only regret I have in this is that I didn't do it when I was younger! I say go for it! Don't miss out on possibly the BEST years of your life! I started out with the same stats as you and I'm now down 125lbs with 15lbs to go and so much happier. Wishing you the best!
   — Kris T.

October 26, 2002
I agree with Kris. GO FOR IT! Sure wish I had of 15 years ago when I was 30. I missed out on alot. Besides, you will heal faster as a young person than us old farts do.
   — Danmark

June 1, 2003
Even though it is a little later than when you posted your question, I thought I'd reply. I am also 15 and am looking into the surgery. I really haven't done too much research yet, but I really want it to go through. I hope it goes through with you and good luck. If you would like to personally reply my e-mail is [email protected] or my mom's is [email protected].
   — Lindsey A.

September 6, 2003
My daughter had a VG surgery at 13, she lost approx. 45 lba.and then began regaining. She had a revision to an RNY on July 31, 2003, I'll let you know how it went. She's lost 18 lbs, but is at a standstill, I've never met someone who an RNY didn't help, I'll be VERY dissapointed if it doesn't help her. She DOES NOT eat the things she should, at a week out, she was eating cottage cheese, she said she needed the "chewing." For regular people, this would be fine, for people with her disease, it is terrible. She is still loosing weight, and I am still monitoring her, please pray for her. I would appreciate it.
   — sandieguy

September 6, 2003
As the mother of two grown daughters, I have to tell you that there is a built in mechansem telling the teenage to do opposite of what parent says. Meaning the less said, the better she will do. Is she on line with other teens. That is the only hope, teens sharing with teens.
   — faybay

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