Anyone take plant derived iron sup.?

I was told that my iron levels are low & have been taking a generic fe. sulfate with a tablet of Vit. C daily. However, while at a health food store, I was checking out other forms of iron. They suggested a liquid, plant-derived iron. They said that it isn't as potent but is more easily absorbed. Anyone try plant-derived iron before?    — Rebekah B. (posted on October 4, 2002)

October 4, 2002
Yes, the iron I take is derived from beets and raspberry. It's chelated with vitamin C for maximum aborption and comes in a chewable wafer. Each wafer contains 27 Mg of iron and two of them are supposed to equal 325 Mg of ferrous sulfate. I take the two a day and my labs are great! By the way, most of us can't absorb the ferrous sulfate.
   — LLinderman

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