What am i doing wrong????

Hello amos fam. i am getting very very discouraged i am 7weeks out today and i haven`t lost since week 4. i actually have gained 1 to 2 lbs is this it? is my body resisting weightloss even after this painful surgery??? i am freaking out here. i am drinking my water, working out, eating protein taking my vitamins so what am i doing wrong? my mom said yesterday she is worried i went through this surgery for nothing bc i am not loosing please help!!! open rny 8-14-02 261/230    — nice n sweet B. (posted on October 1, 2002)

October 1, 2002
i'm right there with you! i had my open rny on 8/28/02. was 338 to 315 now. i've been here for about 1.5 weeks now and am getting VERY discouraged. though, i've heard it's VERY common for people to hit an early plateau as the body thinks it's starving. the advice i've received is: drink more water, up protein. i'm trying that now, and so far no luck. please email me if you find something that works and very good luck to you!!! [email protected]
   — Christie N.

October 1, 2002
OMG! PM - You have lost over 150 in less then 4 months? OMG! I started at 323 nine months ago and weigh more then you today. What are you doing for such great success? Are you a man? They have all the luck!
   — crishsapig

October 2, 2002
Plateaus are normal. Go into the library and read up on them. They can last from a few weeks to over a month or longer. Its your bodies way of adjusting to the weight loss. As long as you are eating correctly, taking vitamins, getting in enough water and exercising, the weight will start to go down again. Staying off the scale every day (I know, its hard) also helps.
   — Cindy R.

October 2, 2002
Hi Cherise. It's not unusual to hit a plateau early. I hit one between the third and fifth weeks, then resigned myself to being a "slow" loser as it seemed like everybody else was losing faster. Now, at four months out, I've lost 64 pounds. I can't imagine how the heck I ever thought I was a slow loser, but that's what I thought. Don't worry about the early loss figures, they're not necessarily your destiny. Eat right, drink your water, exercise, and heal up good. It WILL come off, you'll see. :)
   — Suzy C.

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