I'm 4 weeks post-op and am constipated. I have diverticulosis and

need some help with remedies. I used to use metamucil, but am not sure if it's a good idea. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.    — Mary M. (posted on September 29, 2002)

September 29, 2002
First, call your surgeon. I was diagnosed with diverticulosis 8 months post-op and my surgeon told me to not let myself get constipated. He prescribed a medication called Miralax for me and it is wonderful. It's a powder that you can disolve in any liquid and is completely taste free. I only have to take it occasionally and I'm doing great. He also wants me to eat two or three prunes or dried apricots every day and to eat Grape Nuts soaked in grape juice. That might not be an option for you since you are only 4 weeks post-op. So call your surgeon and ask for his advice.
   — Patty_Butler

September 30, 2002
If things don't seem to be moving the way they should, I add some whole grains and/or fruit to my diet. At 4 weeks post maybe some oatmeal prepared with milk would do the trick (as long as that is ok with your dr's orders). Also warm prune juice if you can stand the taste :). If you aren't in any discomfort, though, it may actually be normal. I would often go days between BMs at first and my dr said that was fine as long as I wasn't uncomfortable. I finally evened out to going every 2-3 days whereas before surgery I was an "every morning" kinda gal. Hope this helps!
   — ctyst

September 30, 2002
Warm prune juice will get you moving right away! I had REAL problems for several months after surgery. I took a stool softener/laxative the doctor recommended for several months. I would develop hemorroids, it was awful. I started eating a few prunes a day, plus drinking a small glass of warm prune juice. It worked wonders.
   — deb_wls2001

September 30, 2002
Personally, you couldn't pay me to drink prune juice, although my mother swears by it. Post-op, I have gone through periods of terrible constipation. Like a previous poster, I also have had my bouts with hemmorhoids - I know them well enough that hey have their own names, Hekyl and Jekyl. Yup, there are two. Hee hee hee. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I take two fiber caps with 12 ounces of water every morning. I drink over 40 ounces of water each morning, but 12 is designated especially for the fiber caps. At four weeks I don't know if you'll be able to swallow, but keep them in mind for the future. When things get a little tight, I also use Senakot - or a generic counterpart. It's a pretty gentle vegetable laxative. You can take up to 8 a day, but I never take more than two. Those are teeny little pills, so if it's really bad for you right now you may want to try them. Good luck to you. I hope you feel better soon!
   — PaulaM

September 30, 2002
Someone posted about chewable fiber supplement they come in suger free.Called Fiber Choice orange flavor. They are available at Wal-Mart. That,s what I'm be taking plus eat prune,s, apples and cucumbers.
   — charanewme

October 1, 2002
I am taking the new fiber supplement called Benefiber. It is great! It is a powder that dissolves and is completely tasteless in whatever you put it in. I usually mix it with my soup at lunch or in my protein shake in the morning.
   — salymsmommy

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