I have been diagnosed with Crohns disease. Has this disease afflicted any other post ops?

I had open RNY 9 months ago. I had an incisional hernia repair in June. I am scheduled for gall bladder surgery this coming week. I went to the ER thinking my gall bladder was breaking down, but CT scan and colonoscopy indicate I have Crohns disease. Has anyone else developed Crohns after WLS? I am so scared what this disease will do to me. Any and all opinions and advise would be greatly appreciated.    — Judith A. (posted on September 21, 2002)

September 21, 2002
You probably already had the Crohn's disease and the stress from the surgery caused a flare-up. I have ulcerative colitis (in the same family as Crohn's) and had a real bad flare-up 2 weeks after surgery. Gastro Doctor said was probably caused from stress. Are you taking Asacol? Doctor prescibed for me and it has really helped keep this under control. Feel free to e-mail me if I can provide any further information. Take Care, Donna
   — Donna S.

September 23, 2002
Judith, my husband has Crohns. We have been batteling it one way or another for 13 years. I'm not exactly sure how your RNY will affect your treatment or your symptons, but if you just want to chat, please feel free to email me. The first and most important thing you can do is find a GI who is VERY familiar with Crohns. The treatments and medical options are changing every day, so you really need a doctor who is up on the current thinking and who has treated other Crohns patients successfully. Not anyone will do. Again, email me if you want to chat. I'd be happy to share our experience.
   — Amber L.

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