what is done with the stomach after the DS procedure?

Is the part of the stomach that is cut off left in during the duodenal switch or is it taken out of your body?    — gramof3 (posted on September 18, 2002)

September 18, 2002
Your stomach in left inside. You just don't use it anymore
   — Amy M.

September 18, 2002
The previous poster is mistaken. The stomach is removed, it is no longer in you. I had the DS on August 12th and they also removed my appendix and gallbladder. For more info go to for more DS info.
   — Stephanie B.

September 18, 2002
Yep about 2/3 are cut off and removed in the DS. I felt more comfy with the RNY, nothing is removed, its all there if needed someday...
   — bob-haller

September 18, 2002
The part of the stomach that's removed in the DS procedure has no vital functionality aside from acid production. The remaining stomach keeps the natural flow of food via the esophagus into the stomach and atrum where it can be churned and properly digested before being expelled into the small intestine via the pylorus. I had thr DS nearly three years ago, and I can eat and drink exactly as I did pre-op, except that my stomach capacity is now somewhat smaller (still much more than the typical RNY though). I have no limitations on types or textures of food. No rules about eating and drinking together. No dumping syndrome, because my pylorus is intact. unlike the RNY, I do not have a "blind" stomach portion that is inaccessible to a radiologist. Can't think of a bad thing about it! But then, I am biased. :-)
   — mmagruder

September 19, 2002
I think it depends on the surgeon. Mine was removed 18 mos. ago. I have a friend with the same surgeon and hers was transected and left intact.
   — Linda M.

September 20, 2002
Linda, I know that Dr. Herron does both the DS and the RNY. The only way I can think of that your friend would have had what you describe is if she had the RNY! In the DS procedure, the excluded stomach is always removed without exception.
   — mmagruder

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