What kind of testing might I expect to have?

I have several co-morbities I have insulin dependent diabetes, High blood pressure, high chlosterol, high triglycerides, severe sleep apnea(cpap set on 8) severe insomnia, major edema. I am 5'3" and 250lbs. My BMI is 45. I know that I'll probably qualify for the duodenal switch which is what I want but what kind of testing might I expect to have. I have Cigna PPO    — gramof3 (posted on September 16, 2002)

September 16, 2002
I went through alot of testing because they found co-morbidities during my routine pre-op tests. I had to have fasting sugars done. That is when they put my on diabetic meds to lower my blood sugar which wasn't too high to begin with. They performed an EGD, which is a tube they put down your esophagus into your stomach to make sure everything is ok there. My doctor wanted me to have an ekg done which resulted in further testing. I had to get an echocardiogram AND a thallium stress test. The reason for the extensive heart tests was an abnormal ekg. I also had to go for a gallbladder ultrasound which revealed gallstones and 2 ultrasounds on my liver due to elevated liver enzymes. Needless to say I have been though quite a bit in getting ready for this surgery. Happy to report EVERYTHING is in check, and I have my surgery Sept. 27. These tests are extremely important and if your doctor doesn't say anything about getting them, maybe YOU should. I'm now at peace of mind knowing that I'm physically ready for this and hopefully all goes well. Please check my profile for more details regarding my testing. Good Luck to you and remember to be actively involved in getting tested!! ~Traci~
   — Traci A.

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