I just had my 3 month labs

And the nurse called to say I have hypothyriodism. First I would like to know what this is. She is refering me to an endocaksjdfaskoligist (forgot the word). My levels have gone from hypothyriodism (no meds or anything) to hyper. What are the symptoms of this? I am kinda tired these days but dont realy notice much else going on. Is this common after RNY? Thanks for your help. ttfn~    — Sassy M. (posted on September 4, 2002)

September 4, 2002
I had hypothyroidism pre-op. Basically, it means that your thyroid is underactive. The symptoms can include tiredness, irregular periods and fertility problems, difficulty losing weight, etc. I took Synthroid (a synthetic thyroid hormone) for several years. Then just before surgery my family doctor had me go off my meds for two weeks and then had a blood test done. She said my thyroid levels were fine and took me off meds. Now I feel that I really should be on them because the symptoms are back. I have seriously considered seeing an endocrinologist myself. BTW- The other condition you mentioned is hyperthyroidism. It is exactly the opposite of hypothyroidism. If you are hypo your thyroid gland secretes too much hormone. I don't know if this is common post-op, but I would say that rapid weight loss probably does wreak havoc on your hormone levels.
   — Jenny S.

September 4, 2002
I goofed on that last part. I meant that hyperthyroidism means an overactive thyroid. Sorry! :)
   — Jenny S.

September 4, 2002
awww CRAP I goofed too!!! She called saying I have hypERthyroidism I had the problem with hypo befor surgery. Sorry....
   — Sassy M.

September 4, 2002
I dont have your answer......but.....endocaksjdfaskoligist (forgot the word). OMG......I laughed my butt off!!!! Thank you......By the way, I have more butt to lose if anyone else wants to make me laugh. : )
   — RebeccaP

September 4, 2002
Hi Meredith, I don't know if hypothyroid is normal after rny, but I do know alot about it since I have this. I have read several books and there is even a website that have great info. There are alot of misconceptions out there even among doctors (sound familiar?). Check out books by Mary Shomon and they have alot of info. I have read that sometimes you go hyper (too much thyroid) and then go hypo(too little thyroid) This can effect your moods, energy level even your skin(dry). I started out with an endocrinologist, but now I go see a doctor that has is himself and totally understands. He doesn't just read the score on the chart he listens to how I feel.(The same doctor who hasn't approved me for wls yet) I urge you to get an education about it. Also, if your iron or b-vitamins are low your body cannot process the thyroid properly (this is what happened to me and after 3 weeks WOW -sorry didn't mean to scream- I was feeling awful before and I don't have time to feel that way - I have 3 kids.) Hope this helps Sherry in NM
   — Sherry A.

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