can i have a tummy tuck and still get pregnant?

   — flynana47 (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 28, 2002
Yes you can.
   — stephanie J.

August 28, 2002
You definitely can, but it might make more sense to do it the other way around. I had WLS 3 weeks ago, plan to have my child (or 2) in about 3-5 years, I will not consider plastic surgery until afterwards for one simple reason: I don't want to spend the thousands to get it done only to go mess it up!! One of my other thoughts is, might as well put that comfy loose skin to good use, maybe being pregnant would be less of a hassle, feel less stretched. And who knows, after I have a baby, maybe I won't be as vain as I am now *grin* they say your priorities do a loop-de loop.
   — Heather K.

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