I'm wondering how many people have had a tummy tuck

And how long after surgery did you wait? What was the pain like? I am 10 months post-op, and I could fit into a smaller size if I had a tummy tuck. I have had three kids and an emergency c-section. What is the average cost for this? I also want to know what types of exercises people are doing to tone up the flabby underpart of the arm, and the inside of the thighs. I need help! Thanks!    — camiam (posted on August 25, 2002)

August 26, 2002
I had a TT 1 year 10 days after GBP. The pain isn't as bad as open RNY, but it is still painful and takes a while to recover. I am still sore, but getting better everyday.
   — Dawn H.

August 26, 2002
I had a tummy tuck performed when I was 13 months out (4/2002). I need to lose about another 30 pounds, but I am pear shaped, and I really didn't have a lot of fat left on the upper part of my body. I had a hysterectomy performed at the same time. I thought the WLS (lap) was worse. I was on pain pills for 1.5 days after I got home. The cost was about $3500. I had the surgery suite paid for, because of my hysterectmy. I have been weight lifting for about a year, and I developed some pretty nice girlie muscles in my arms; but, I could not get rid of the hanging drapery under my arms. One month ago, I had my breasts and arms done. I hope this helps.
   — sheron H.

August 26, 2002
Had my tt 3 weeks ago. I had my rny 9 months ago. I'm less then 10 pounds from my goal weight and trust me, it does make a difference in the way your clothes fit. My WLS wanted me to wait at least a year but I couldn't take it anymore so I had it down now. I wouldn't have changed a thing and my WLS admits it looks good and make a world of difference in the way I look and feel about myself. My insurance paid the entire cost of the surgery. As far as the arms, there being done in 2 stages. I had liposuction on them at the same time as the tt and there now getting VERY wrinkly which my plastic surgeon says is good because it means there getting smaller. He showed me before pictures today and I've lost over an inch of fat from each arm. The second part of my arm surgery will be in November so that my arms will be completely healed and shrunken and he will be pulling all the excess skin from my elbow and then cutting it off and sewing up the scar under my armpit so I don't have the nasty scar all the way from the elbow to the shoulder. No one should be able to see my scar unless I raise both my arms up over my head (not a position I do very often!!). That has cost me $3600 since it was cosmetic. I feel it certainly has been worth every penny of it.
   — Patty H.

September 1, 2002
My doctor recommends waiting 2 years and I thought he was crazy. I am now 2.5 years out and going to have the belt lift and breast lift (insurance paid) One year ago I had less flab then I do now. (I haven't gained any weight either) It seems like the fat cells fill up a bit and your body shifts. I am glad I waited now, because when I have the belt lift, they will be taking off more flab and fat cells than they would of last year.
   — ZZ S.

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